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ArcLight079 t1_j3y4yav wrote

Sorry, but before i watch video wanted to clarify: did you take into account protein quality? Not all protein is equal in foods, selecting highest per 100g foods wont mean you will get that amount if quality is low


JensPens t1_j3yjkzy wrote

quality is also a very misleading brand for what it actually means quality refers to the similarity of the acid competition, which in a balanced diet is absolutely irrelevant, because your body is perfectly capable to convert one to another


ArcLight079 t1_j3yo0tr wrote

from what i have seen briefly, top products in list of the video do not make a good balanced diet, but i could be wrong.


lotec4 t1_j3z11pr wrote

The perfect combination of foods are legumes with grains. This gives you a higher bioavailability than meat. All over the world people combine lentils with grains.


MemeableData OP t1_j3y5owl wrote

Hi, protein quality was out of scope for this video (there was no available data for that)


ImFamousYoghurt t1_j3zaamk wrote

So long as you get your protein from multiple sources (brown bread and beans, or peas and rice for example) you'll be fine in terms of "protein quality"


symonym7 t1_j3yi4z2 wrote

I’d like to see an amino acids profile metric. Foods that contain all nine essential amino acids tend to be animal protein.

You can get them all from a vegan diet, but you’ll be eating considerably more and thus spending more.

I will for the 900th time state my opinion that neither vegan or animal inclusive diets are the solution to mitigating our food consumption energy impact; getting people to only eat what they need is; people tend to consume far more calories in a day than they need and most of them aren’t even aware of this.

But hey, pretending that you’re having a positive impact is fun.

Edit: Holy hell. Alright, I’m just gonna stick to my 1000cal-less-than-the-avg-American-diet (remember kids, calories are energy, and that energy comes from somewhere) and leave you all to your totally helpful virtual soap boxes.


frickityfracktictac t1_j40p2g5 wrote

> Foods that contain all nine essential amino acids tend to be animal protein.

It's good that you can eat more than one one food per day then. Legitimately, what's the point of mentioning this when the simple combination of legume/vegetable and grain/nut/seed has all nine essential amino acids.

> You can get them all from a vegan diet, but you’ll be eating considerably more and thus spending more.

Yep, legume+grain is certainly going to cost more than meat.