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Powerhx3 t1_j3zi4zf wrote

Chicken breasts are on sale for $30 for 4kg CAD. That’s probably cheaper than most of those items.


MemeableData OP t1_j40fxr5 wrote

In this supermarket, chicken breast cost 9.49 EUR per 800g. In the end that's a price of 4.75 EUR per 100g of protein

Timestamp 4:01 -


Powerhx3 t1_j413x1z wrote

Wow you guys are getting hosed on chicken.


Spukas t1_j41gh6i wrote

But our chicken doesn't get hosed with chlorine.


[deleted] t1_j41h4yl wrote



hithisishal t1_j428uax wrote

It's like 2x more, not 10x, right? Or am I doing the exchanges and stuff wrong?