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stringpoet t1_j4nfay0 wrote

Holy shit. How is it possible to sneeze this much? Are you OK?


jwjr123123 t1_j4nfzb6 wrote

Do you have a pepper shaker permanently lodged up your nose?


Boss_Otter t1_j4nfzhm wrote

As a fellow hyper sneezer yes, 6-8 times a day minimum for me. My sneeze reflex is extra sensitive so the previous sneeze triggers me to sneeze again. My record I think is 30 in a row.


rogomatic t1_j4o1155 wrote

This is fascinating. I couldn't possibly log anything with this consistency for 10 years.


Syllabub_Middle t1_j4o8v4u wrote

This guy really counted all his sneezes to get 50 karma. Impressive anyway I admire the commitment


TBSchemer t1_j4o9wrv wrote

Fexofenadine (generic for Allegra) works wonders for allergies, and doesn't really make you drowsy.


Student-type t1_j4ofwpp wrote

I used to by hyper allergic too, to 400 different triggers when tested.

I also had paroxysmal repetitive sneezing. Allergic rhinitis, according to the Navy.

The change came when modern pharma and my excellent Princeton-trained asthma specialist got my case.

Totally fixed now. For sneezing, Claritin/generic, along with Montelukast, daily.

For asthma, Wixela and Xopenex inhalers in addition. is a leading public service website that allows you to research meds, and be an informed consumer about side effects, identification, and interactions with your other meds. There’s a free app. It can help you have better discussions with your physician and pharmacy team.

I hope you feel better soon.


yogesh_gosavi t1_j4onsr4 wrote

i neither have the patience nor willpower to try something like that 🥴

claps 👏👏👏 for efforts, consistency man!🫡

allergies sucks!


MartinH t1_j4pcbgv wrote

Impressive dedication over ten years! Kudos!
What are the yearly totals?
Mine for 2022 was 930 but I also noted the number of “sneeze events” (385) and especially the number of time sunlight or other bright lights caused the sneeze.

I’m not sure of how to represent this as a graph.


overdos3 t1_j4plwmu wrote

Do you get hay fever or allergic rhinitis, /u/Coolbeans4_? Cause I sneeze as much as you if not more, and I apparently have severe allergic rhinitis. No antihistamine works since it's not exactly an allergic reaction but more a fever that you get sometimes every 2 weeks, sometimes once a month. But I get it at least 10 times a year. The only thing that vaguely works is this thing called A-Ferin Sinus which stops the sneezing and the runny nose but absolutely kills you for the next 4 hours or so.


RealDealHemp t1_j4q0rbb wrote

How does this only have 105 upvotes? Logically impossible


Crono_ t1_j4qenp9 wrote

My nose is itching just by looking at that.


Familiar-Kangaroo375 t1_j4r44p0 wrote

Wow. 2013, 2015, and 2016 were all pretty standout years. I feel like 2017 was the year you discovered Claritin?


Coolbeans4_ OP t1_j4s9ekg wrote

No! I sneeze a lot, but I don't have constant allergies and my nose isn't runny or anything. Once a year, I get a mild cold and I sneeze more, but otherwise, I'm not at all suffering because of my sneezing.