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rogert2 t1_j57udip wrote

So: more people voted for Putin in 2000 than there are eligible voters in Ukraine today?

And also: Russia's last "relatively fair" election was more than twenty years ago?



ByakuKaze t1_j59k2cu wrote

>So: more people voted for Putin in 2000 than there are eligible voters in Ukraine today?

If I understand chart correctly, yes. Also almost as many as in Spain.

>And also: Russia's last "relatively fair" election was more than twenty years ago?

Questionable. No idea about 2004 and 2008, but by 2012 it was surely rigged in a way. By 2012 constitution was changed and most of the mechanisms that were used in past years had been already in place(but not as widely used) to shut down people, to change law on a whim, to falsify votes and so on.