European countries voting age population (10+ m.) and Russians non/voting for Putin in the last relatively fair election in Russia (2000), m. [OC]
Submitted by Populationdemography t3_10hdp2u in dataisbeautiful
Reply to comment by ____purple in European countries voting age population (10+ m.) and Russians non/voting for Putin in the last relatively fair election in Russia (2000), m. [OC] by Populationdemography
That is not how governments work. When we went to war in Iraq, it wasn't on behalf of the Americans who voted for Bush or supported the war. I am complicit in my nations foreign policy. My taxes, my labor, and my consumption contribute to the nation and my government represents me regardless of my agreement on any given issue. Putin is a problem created by Russians and they are guilty of his actions done on their behalf.
Yeah, it was on behalf of Americans who supported the war. The government represents you only until you are in agreement with it's actions, otherwise you are oppressed by the government, and basically being held hostage for labor and taxes. In this case you probably should change the government, of your country or with immigration, or continue being a victim, it's up to your abilities and vision.
Let's talk people here, as governments are inherently people (and otherwise it'll be too many abstractions).
Are parents responsible for their adult child crimes? They raised him, they are pretty much the entire thing that created him. Also society, of course. No, they are not, they did what they had to (provide food, shelter and some upbringing), the consequences are for the society to handle. What if one of them also provided an offensive weapon or joined the crime? This one is responsible. What if one of them was forced to commit a crime at gunpoint? No, it's called being held hostage. What if while being held hostage one did not use a possibility to escape or arrest the criminal? Still no.
Putin and the governmental apparatus are an adult child criminal, Russians are parents. Those fighting on his side, or providing support towards illegal actions are the responsible, helping parent. Oppressed once are victims. There are immigrants/refugees - escaped victims. There's society - the whole world. Victims, escaped victims and the society should work together to stop the criminal and supporting forces.
This applies to every single conflict, including Iraq, WW2 and others. Sometimes the society wins, sometimes the criminal manipulates everyone into thinking the victim is the criminal.
Hey dipshit, you don't need a tortured metaphor. They are the the actual representatives of the Russian people.
No counterargument? As I said, it's possible to follow this logic without metaphor, but it becomes a bit too abstract to read. Probably it's already a bit too abstract to read for you.
I was hoping for a decent debate but all I got was some dipshit :(
I'm not going to argue with an actual idiot.
You only argue with people who agree with you? I'm not surprised
No. When you said the Russian government is the adult child of Russia, I realized you're not playing with a full deck. You are a window licker. A short bus rider. A literal moron.
I think that any government is comparable to an adult child of the nation.
Don't you think it's a good metaphor? Why?
I easily can tell you that you are a moron since your first comment. And I can go out and call a lot of people morons for various reasons. Cause I'm sure I know better, and I definitely know different. But instead I talk and show the thought process behind my opposite opinion, cause you know, calling people morons is not fun and not helpful
Y' know, youre even wrong that you wrote this comment. You should've just ghost me, if you have nothing to say. Feeling or expressing anger is not good for you in any way.
No. I want you to understand that small children and dolphins outpace you mentally. There Russians are responsible for this war. The Ukrainians would be justified in carpet bombing Moscow.
Oh, I see... Are you Ukrainian? In this case it's alright, you've been through a lot of pain and you deserve the right to hate, I'm sorry for discussing a disturbing topic with you.
No. I am an American.
Ok let's continue then. Let's ignore Russia vs Ukraine for now, why'd you disagree that government is comparable to an adult child of the nation?
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