I´m a middle age software engineer, since I started to work on software I’ve worked as a developer, software architect, consultant and software manager. At this point I’m looking for new opportunities/experiences in a very changing and wide industry, I like a lot of things in our industry from cognitive computing to mobile/wearable development, this is why I’ve started an in-progress work to analyze skills trends companies are looking for.
My starting point:
Companies list: NASDAQ top 100 (because they are de biggest companies, so I think they impose trends)
Source: LinkedIn job posts
Tools: Apache nutch (to crawl and scrap job posts), python and flourish (to analyze and visualize trends)
Time frame: December and November mainly, but there are job posts since August
Posts amount: 40.396
These are my first results, answering this personal question (as I mentioned, I’m interested in mobile development as well): “what mobile hybrid platforms are companies working on and demanding skills?”
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