Recent comments in /f/dataisbeautiful

mcmur t1_jeh18yn wrote

So you’re telling me there are hundreds of thousands more people locked up in prison for victimless offences and that this is only a “small portion” (your words) of folks locked up in the US prison system?

And you think that’s a good thing? The US locks more people for then any other country on earth by a long shot including the Soviet Union at its height.

Ok enjoy lol.


YoloRandom t1_jegy13g wrote

Nonsense. It shows that our entire fabric of society sprouted and flourished in a climate that was incredibly stable and predictable. Yes climates have shifted, but not with complex human societies around. The chart also shows very clearly how the recent jump in temperature corresponds to industrial scale burning of fossil fuels.

Climates change, but if it happens fast, shocks can ruin societies. We humans made it go fast. Anyone denying the overwhelming amount of evidence just doesnt want to change his or her ways, and doesnt want to do anything to force the higher ups to change.


Daydream_Meanderer t1_jegvjpl wrote

Probation system is to milk money that the poorest of us don’t have mostly due to addiction and nonviolent crimes, something that should have never been penalized punitively in the first place, but these demons make too much money to give it up, if you can’t pay? Monetized slave labor in a for profit prison for you.