Submitted by latinometrics t3_z08e7v
Submitted by Altruistic_Olives t3_z14noy
Submitted by RestlessAmbivert t3_z2hd7n
Submitted by USAFacts_Official t3_z31ypj
Submitted by NoComplaint1281 t3_z5bjhk
Submitted by BLAZENIOSZ t3_z836q1
[OC] Ryanair is known for its absurdly cheap fares, and charging extra for everything else. Here is their revenue breakdown
Submitted by giteam t3_z8mt96
Submitted by teamongered t3_zrr9u9
Submitted by veleros t3_z9r9vc
Submitted by databayou t3_zc8f1d
Submitted by Wafflesdadapon1 t3_zgggp6
Submitted by BeeApiary t3_zh4358
Submitted by OfficialWireGrind t3_zhdme4
Submitted by MordePobre t3_zhpatm
Submitted by TheKitof t3_zjeouy
Submitted by BLAZENIOSZ t3_zl194o
Submitted by LeverageShares t3_zrfclr
Submitted by giteam t3_ztbovn
Submitted by plotset t3_zuxugl
FIFA World Cup 2022 saw a surprising number of unlikely match outcomes. Here's a way to estimate how exceptional it was. I simulate an experiment when I bet on the least likely outcomes. Surprisingly this dead-simple strategy is beneficial [OC]
Submitted by ikashnitsky t3_zv556w
Submitted by fred_fotch t3_zvt54h
Submitted by 737900ER t3_zwo89h
[OC] After saying he likes Hitler, Kanye West is now "only" among the top 20 most played artists on Spotify
Submitted by desfirsit t3_zzvd27
Submitted by Dethon t3_101cfwe
Submitted by rubenbmathisen t3_101d17d