Submitted by fastAFguy t3_zzk6dy
Submitted by cartografunk t3_zvu1cr
Submitted by Vivid-Busyness t3_zw7s07
Principal Components Analysis, k-means clustering and actual outcome of the 2022 Fifa world cup matches [OC]
Submitted by Sadgasm1 t3_zweclf
Submitted by Dremarious t3_zwp2ml
Submitted by scottpaulin t3_zx4fq7
Submitted by Zosymandias t3_z9edgc
Holodomor recognition as genocide across the US and the EU. “Holodomor” was a man-made famine in Ukraine ordered by Stalin in 1932 which killed between 3.5 and 5 million people. It is second most deadly genocide after “Holocaust”. US recognizes Holodomor as genocide as of 2018. EU does not yet [OC]
Submitted by maps_us_eu t3_zbmglc
Submitted by toddrjones t3_zcy673
Submitted by The_Swiftest_ t3_zeb3ys
Submitted by Altruistic_Olives t3_zk99sf
Submitted by OfficialWireGrind t3_zlc972
Submitted by tabthough t3_zn2l2l
[OC] The US leads the way by a mile in government space budgets, with the Artemis mission sending humans back to the moon for the first time in 50 years
Submitted by giteam t3_znb677
Submitted by jtsg_ t3_znkp2n
Submitted by visualgeomatics t3_zo8kt7
[OC] How Many Cryptocurrencies have Failed? More than 3,000 cryptocurrencies that were listed on CoinGecko in 2021, have failed (categorised as a dead coin).
Submitted by coingecko t3_zqbf2g
Submitted by jtsg_ t3_zqscip
[OC] Despite popular belief that the military spends a huge majority of the government's money, the US currently spends 'only' 13% of its total budget on defence
Submitted by giteam t3_zshz68
Submitted by data_n_stuff t3_zthxcz
[OC] "Back in my day...": Boomers had up to 75% more purchasing power than Millenials and Gen Z in their early careers
Submitted by GeorgeDaGreat123 t3_zu9zqq
[OC] What do Americans think about US military spending? (1973-2021, by political party & gender)
Submitted by GeorgeDaGreat123 t3_zy4zpi
Submitted by giteam t3_zy6mul
Submitted by sirquincymac t3_100i786