Submitted by HoldMyDirrk t3_yv94nj
Submitted by BlitzOrion t3_ys65ug
Submitted by hannigong4dmi t3_yhcqy5
Submitted by MePiyush t3_10xnnhy
[OC] Fatal Police Shootings in the US: Racial disparities. In absence of racial differences, the probability of fatal police encounters would be the same across racial groups. It is not. Black/African Americans are 4.5 times more likely to have a fatal encounter with the police than Asian Americans.
Submitted by HitchHux t3_11dj069
[OC] Puerto Rico, with 3.3M people or 0.4% of LatAm's population, is the birthplace of 6 of the region's top 10 most streamed artists on Spotify. 🇵🇷
Submitted by latinometrics t3_10mrhpc
Submitted by LeverageShares t3_10jc3bu
USA MLS Home Listings with Price Reduction, as a Percent of Active Listings, by County, September, 2022 [OC]
Submitted by michigician t3_xwe1iq
Submitted by mrscript_lt t3_11e2h9p
Submitted by Data-Queen-3 t3_10uh36v
Submitted by randomo_redditor t3_101mw4u
Submitted by Charmanderflamethrow t3_10lo66c
Submitted by mathsTeacher82 t3_zb03xc
Submitted by Equal-Crew-3367 t3_ymq5mj
Submitted by icywatermelons t3_ygnt2l
Submitted by IncomeStatementGuy t3_114ib6y
Submitted by Jofroop t3_10bkjx9
Submitted by giteam t3_z9jv14
Submitted by TheThinker12 t3_z5yz84
Submitted by eqqqxy t3_ymudll
[OC] Salesforce is one of the largest SaaS company in the world - how does it make money and how much?
Submitted by giteam t3_yky36h
Submitted by Slight_Author_8386 t3_y5oy1y
[OC] I asked Georgians (U.S.) if they learned in school about the 1912 racial cleansing in Forsyth County (GA), only 11% of respondents were taught this.
Submitted by JPAnalyst t3_1182f8q
HYSPLIT Air Dispersion model depicting the potential transport of chemical plumes emitted by the East Palestine Chemical Disaster [Ohio]. Simulating February 3-7, 2023 [OC]
Submitted by apathyEndsNow t3_113wyj3