Submitted by Ok_Acanthisitta5799 t3_11g803e
Submitted by Exiled_From_Twitter t3_122dpk1
Submitted by liortulip t3_11g6izg
Submitted by darrisonbertations t3_11g63k8
Submitted by adashofdata t3_11g4aym
Submitted by DataVizzdom t3_127m4as
Submitted by gvillanomics t3_1273l9k
[OC]The Pay Gap difference visualized across occupations (Check link for details across geographies) |
Submitted by Ok_Acanthisitta5799 t3_11fxkf7
Submitted by mrdimosthenis t3_11fuy50
Submitted by tinker_tailor_soldie t3_11frqpo
[OC] Fundraising for Venture Capital follows the power law, with most of the funding going to the top firms
Submitted by subset1 t3_11fnjda
Submitted by cbarrettg t3_126w7ld
Submitted by kishoredbn t3_11fg4nc
Submitted by Ok_Acanthisitta5799 t3_11f9aln
Submitted by Klutzy_Ambition5445 t3_11f6vzb
Submitted by captboscho t3_123v3yw
Submitted by gridnews t3_11f5iyq
Submitted by gridnews t3_11f49io
Submitted by bitmoresalt t3_126vnvp
Submitted by Ok_Acanthisitta5799 t3_11f2ujf
Submitted by giteam t3_11ezexg
[oc] Did I organize Star Wars entire timeline in correct order? Keep in mind technically a viewer can only watch one Film/Show at a time (games excluded)
Submitted by Likeitisouthere t3_11exard
Submitted by Tyler_Zoro t3_11ewogp
Submitted by jonesjeffum t3_11etuam