Submitted by gridnews t3_11su03l
[OC] More Americans are believing COVID-19 originated from a lab in China. However, there is still no conclusive evidence to support one theory over another. The topic is highly politicizing both internally (US Political Parties) and externally (US-China relations).
Submitted by Square_Tea4916 t3_11sthk3
Submitted by Ronil_wazilib t3_11stccx
Submitted by giteam t3_123o64p
Submitted by MalleusManus t3_11sl0le
Submitted by Bladedbro5 t3_11sk2j0
Submitted by PrinticeDev t3_11sjmth
[OC] Percentage of People in Poverty by State Using 3-Year Average: 2019, 2020, and 2021 (Supplemental Poverty Measure)
Submitted by FlyingSquirlez t3_123s1k3
Submitted by mrpiggy t3_11sckge
Submitted by dbacciPBI t3_11sbsbf
Submitted by OfficialWireGrind t3_11sbphb
Submitted by Metalytiq t3_11s9fn7
Submitted by RobinWheeliams t3_11s8a9g
Submitted by YouGov_Official t3_11s7fq0
Submitted by Probio t3_11s48u2
Submitted by thedapdude t3_11s15rp
Submitted by dwaxe t3_11s0you
Submitted by lemonzestttttttt t3_11rystz
Submitted by Late_Sink_1576 t3_126mwsr
Submitted by budgetthrowaway1209 t3_123n5kl
Submitted by theotheredmund t3_11rpst9
Submitted by FlippantBuoyancy t3_125evdg
Submitted by spoony20 t3_11rk0eo
Submitted by balancetheuniverse t3_11rc0wa
[OC] I used the Democracy Index (by The Economist Intelligence Unit) to show that the world is getting less and less democratic
Submitted by b_imre t3_11r9oqz