Submitted by Data-Queen-3 t3_10uh36v
Submitted by spicer2 t3_106mzab
[OC] geospatial distribution of different fast food chains in the USA (included some of your suggestions from my previous post)
Submitted by MaverickJW t3_zl3bta
Submitted by Metalytiq t3_1038snt
Submitted by granger327 t3_xzuioy
Submitted by df_iris t3_yjbd04
[OC] Lately Reddit made me feel down and I just had to figure out why, data gathered over 3 days, 263 posts scrolled through and each one analyzed how it made me actually feel. RESULTS: 35% positive 23% neutral 42% negative posts.
Submitted by NecrisRO t3_1133zdj
Submitted by NietzscheTheEchidna t3_1117hyy
Submitted by byJoanic t3_y53ka2
Submitted by 38384 t3_zddkgl
USA MLS Home Listings with Price Reduction, as a Percent of Active Listings, by County, September, 2022 [OC]
Submitted by michigician t3_xwe1iq
[OC] A year of trying to reach 78kg (172lbs). I'm 25 years old, male and 188cm tall (6'2). More info in the comments
Submitted by leovolpe t3_yuyfmp
[OC] In the past four years, 19 states have enacted legislation or passed resolutions, awaiting approval by Congress, to make daylight saving permanent.
Submitted by gridnews t3_11oo0fh
Submitted by OfficialWireGrind t3_11sbphb
Submitted by haboo213 t3_xtr2ft
Submitted by icywatermelons t3_ygnt2l
Submitted by OfficialWireGrind t3_10i5shl
[OC] Chances to attend a "Grande Ecole (Top university) in France. If you want to attend "ENA", the best university in France, you have 330x chances if your father graduated from there.
Submitted by pacmanpill t3_yat1hj
Submitted by mathsTeacher82 t3_zb03xc
Submitted by luisdamed t3_10c4slv
Submitted by mrdimosthenis t3_11fuy50
Compared to your other family members, how would you rate yourself as a gift giver on a scale of 0-100? [OC]
Submitted by GradientMetrics t3_ztjykq
Submitted by row64software t3_ym3ddi
Relative Humidity readings from my basement after carrying out remedial works - love that trend [OC]
Submitted by J3N0991 t3_zlniy0