Submitted by against_all_odds_ t3_114jf0g
Submitted by Metalytiq t3_zlqyox
[OC] Google Searches for “How to Lose Weight” upticks during the New Year and declines as summer ends.
Submitted by Square_Tea4916 t3_10u4iyk
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Submitted by Spirited-Focus-7312 t3_xtrvg3
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Submitted by GeorgeDaGreat123 t3_zprtrg
[OC] Weekly Poll asking if the Stock Market will be Up or Down in 12 months plotted with the Future 12-month Outcome.
Submitted by Square_Tea4916 t3_112wndb
Submitted by LeverageShares t3_10jc3bu
HYSPLIT Air Dispersion model depicting the potential transport of chemical plumes emitted by the East Palestine Chemical Disaster [Ohio]. Simulating February 3-7, 2023 [OC]
Submitted by apathyEndsNow t3_113wyj3