Submitted by Evidently_21 t3_xzgqi5
Submitted by Equal-Crew-3367 t3_ymq5mj
Submitted by yaph t3_zmkvdh
Submitted by visualgeomatics t3_ylq2sk
[OC] Royal Mail, Europe's 3rd largest postal service by market cap - breaking down its 2021 annual report
Submitted by giteam t3_z1p99b
Submitted by giteam t3_zoceeh
Submitted by latinometrics t3_10ab66v
Submitted by Jasonbluefire t3_103dlvj
Submitted by gridnews t3_11arcyd
Submitted by sdbernard t3_105olnr
Submitted by Square_Tea4916 t3_10qi1sg
Submitted by FlimsyHuckleberry t3_10jjq41
Submitted by twintig5 t3_10o9fsl
Submitted by Square_Tea4916 t3_119hbu5
[OC] Housing has become increasingly unaffordable in Singapore, more so than in other high-cost cities
Submitted by earthlymonarch t3_ys8hqu
Submitted by latinometrics t3_10ky62b
[OC] First and last frost dates for Concord, NH for 80 years. The growing season is getting longer. Repost because the image got deleted somehow.
Submitted by reficius1 t3_yp4sra
[OC] 5 of the top 15 employers in the world are military entities. The largest non-military employer is Amazon with over 2 million employees worldwide - that's just over the population of Slovenia
Submitted by giteam t3_zrg2tf
2021 vs 2022 Market cap change in the Tech Industry (Top 10 tech stocks by market cap as of 21 Nov 2022) [OC]
Submitted by Savoy_Cabbage t3_z1r6n9
Submitted by __dacia__ t3_ye17nc
Lego world map of energy to harvest water from the atmosphere [OC]
Submitted by WaterScienceProf t3_zxgwon
Submitted by hannigong4dmi t3_yhcqy5
Submitted by Apartment_List t3_11aaee3