Submitted by N3XT191 t3_ycb3np
Submitted by EngagingData t3_120q9im
[OC] There are a few other Banks sitting on large unrealized securities losses. Compared that to their stock price return month-to-date to see what the rest of the market thinks of their situation.
Submitted by Square_Tea4916 t3_11qh6df
Submitted by giteam t3_yu5o0w
Submitted by latinometrics t3_yikfcd
Submitted by academiaadvice t3_xyy0u5
[OC] Housing tenure in the UK by age over 20 years. A big increase in young renters and older people owning their homes outright.
Submitted by Optimal-Credit-1945 t3_10lwfsv
[OC] GDP per capita, % of population, % of total GDP and GDP contribution relative to the population of the former Yugoslav republics while Yugoslavia existed and after it's dissolution
Submitted by clovek_ne_jezi_se t3_zu612k
Submitted by BlitzOrion t3_z7uwkn
Submitted by john_vandenberghe t3_1190txa
[OC] Every car I’ve ever driven, their country of origin, make model and transmission type. My spreadsheet goes into even more detail
Submitted by crlogic t3_11e9z4p
Submitted by Metalytiq t3_117a6p7
Submitted by RobinWheeliams t3_11s8a9g
Submitted by chestas_ t3_zryiio
Submitted by Eyusd t3_118832k
Submitted by ILikeNeurons t3_10hrjhr
Submitted by fruttypebbles t3_10j2ii9
Submitted by Not_that_wire t3_znno50
[OC] Salesforce is one of the largest SaaS company in the world - how does it make money and how much?
Submitted by giteam t3_yky36h
Submitted by giteam t3_yfovzc
Submitted by theotheredmund t3_11rpst9
Submitted by coingecko t3_114cs54
Submitted by 00derek t3_10i05as
Submitted by PlasticWriter407 t3_ybjtj6