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BellyDancerUrgot t1_j6uz93b wrote

Do u have a discrete gpu ?


AbCi16 OP t1_j6uzanl wrote



Some-Assistance-7812 t1_j6vwro0 wrote

Your discrete should be CUDA capable. Anything above GTX 1050 is CUDA capable. You can check the list of CUDA capable NVIDIA GPUs on their website


AbCi16 OP t1_j6w18x7 wrote

It's RTX 2080 Super


Some-Assistance-7812 t1_j6w1l5z wrote

Yeah it’s CUDA capable! RTX is much better than GTX for deep learning, and 2080 super is powerful! I did plenty of deep learning on my laptop using 1050ti using PyTorch. If you need any help, we can connect and help you out on Zoom call. It won’t take more than 20-30 mins.