Submitted by Learning_DL t3_10z0ppo in deeplearning

Hi there,

I want to learn deep earning and be able to get a job as MLE. I did master in computer science, so I already know programming but in Java and also did some research internship in information retrieval fields, which is sub field in Artificial intelligence. I did not applied deep learning methods but more traditional models like tf-idf and simple language models (not deep learning langage models). I would nit say that I am good at math, probabilities and statistics. My goal is to be good at NLP, So I have to learn from scratch:

- Python (but I know programming and I already program in Java)

- Maths, statistics and probabilities

- Deep Learning basics

- NLP focus

I am planning to follow :

- The NLP Book (Speech and Language Processing): Part 1 and 2

- Deep learning book

- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: only probability parts: chapter 1 and 2


I will spend 40h a week end for 6 months, so 1000h of work. Is it enough or not?

Thanks for your feedback and recommendation



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No-Trifle2470 t1_j80oiun wrote

I think it is a nice plan! I am would say it is enough but maybe spend more time building projects also not only learning


Cute-Regular9227 t1_j80ouvz wrote

It really depend from person to person. Some may need more and others less. But test you have nothing to lose. I would add some PyTorch learning to build cool projects


DJStillAlive t1_j80ujr5 wrote

From Friday at 5 PM to Monday at 8 AM is 63 hours, minus 24 for sleeping and you're left with 39 hours. If your plan is to spend 40 hours a weekend for 6 months, I'm afraid you're going to burn out hard. You're also narrowing your focus to NLP. While there's nothing inherently wrong with that, what happens if you end up wanting to do CV work or something completely different?
Not trying to dissuade you and I know nothing of your situation, but have you thought this through?


BellyDancerUrgot t1_j8111wa wrote

It would depend person to person but imo considering u have it planned out u are likelier to succeed than not if u stick with what u came up with.


personnealienee t1_j82n3k6 wrote

I'd say ditch everything but math and start implementing your models in Pytorch and reading papers and blogs. Python can be learned by doing by someone with cs background. The field moves too fast, relevant stuff starts in ~2014 and is all on arxiv and github (both reference implementations and state-of-the-art code), there are no up to date textbooks. This

course is about the only one I encountered that teaches recent model architectures (it is helpful to read their implementations too). A lot of their models are mostly relevant for vision, but transformers and autoencoders are really useful in NLP. For stuff more specific to NLP ,HugginFace tutorials is a good starting point for digging