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fhadley t1_jdcwet0 wrote

Wait... forreal though? Have you tried to make a fuss out of it? This seems like the kind of outcome they'd want to avoid.


FermatsLastAccount OP t1_jdcz22w wrote

I haven't, all I did was post here and on /r/learnmachinelearning. I realized my account was suspended the day before yesterday and emailed them asking about what was wrong.


FermatsLastAccount OP t1_jddmtqn wrote

In case you wanted an update, I asked them yesterday how I was supposed to know Stockfish would get me banned and what other Python modules would get my account suspended. They just responded saying they whitelisted and reactivated my account.


fhadley t1_jddnbx3 wrote

Super duper sketchy. I have a pre-existing call w their sales folks tm (we're evaluating internally at the startup where I work), debating bringing this up


FermatsLastAccount OP t1_jdeg989 wrote

I'll probably stay with them since it's for personal use and they're the best value I've seen, but it's definitely sketchy.

It wouldn't have been as bad if they had just warned me that Stockfish isn't allowed and then taken action if I didn't respond. Instead of first deactivating my account and then responding after I emailed them.


fhadley t1_jdeun1p wrote

Yeah I mean it's obviously an overreaction right? And a concerningly intrusive one at that- surely they could've have checked telemetry and verified at least authentic-seemimg behavior on your part. But beyond the knee jerk reaction which can be reasonable chalked up to poor governance at a startup, so, fine, it's like how'd they end up with stockfish on an undocumented dependencies blacklist? I've thought too much about this already lol. Glad you got your access restored though