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tholladay3 t1_j3opny9 wrote

What kind of condition. Can it be a post processing thing that happens at inference?


agentfuzzy999 t1_j3pc4pe wrote

Yeah I’m not following either. What do you mean by yolov7 algorithm? Yolov7 is a model architecture, maybe they are talking about nms and iou?


yesterdaymee OP t1_j3pdwud wrote

I mean i need to make some changes in code. I Just dont know in which part i should write a code.(for a video input.)


yesterdaymee OP t1_j3pdlfo wrote

Yes, I only need to detect persons with some tracking id to them and if there are no persons in the frame "no persons in the room" must be printed. And also if the person if the person wears a mask print "with mask" else "without" mask. I know if no classes were detected then i need to make some change. I just couldnt understand where the class is being finalised. Could you help me ? (For a video input)