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mr_birrd t1_j3vwptu wrote

Based on spectral gating, you can provide audio of the noise so it works better, works for stationary and non stationary noise.


BackgroundPass2082 OP t1_j3w860g wrote

I'm trying it out. I'm curious to check the result - it's pretty resource intensive!


mr_birrd t1_j3w8h7v wrote

It is, you can specify the number of threads it uses tho. For realtime it doesn't work I guess but it's the best I have ever seen actually.


tehbuss_ t1_j3ycmq6 wrote

Do you have any recommendations for something that can perform noise reduction in realtime?


mr_birrd t1_j3yd16e wrote

I don't know if something good exists. If you have a strong gpu you could try denoising autoencoders but afaik it's only "real-time" when you get like a 10k gou and for this price you can also do it realtime with cpus.