Submitted by [deleted] t3_113o5up
Submitted by beautyofdeduction t3_10uuslf
Submitted by neuralbeans t3_10puvih
Submitted by alla_n_barakat t3_ztkv5a
Submitted by jantonio78 t3_ydggf6
Submitted by Ttttrrrroooowwww t3_y9a0j3
Submitted by ccppoo0 t3_xzj2qc
Submitted by HenrAInet t3_126i01q
Submitted by Tureep t3_10k2cnt
Submitted by MACKBULLERZ t3_10da1xp
Submitted by Infamous_Age_7731 t3_107pcux
Submitted by Which-Distance1384 t3_zyjegn
Submitted by boutta_call_bo_vice t3_zpt405
Submitted by MazenAmria t3_zhvwvl
Does anyone know how to get the NxNx12 from the input image - is it just using reshape function or is there any other function that can be used
Submitted by Actual-Performer-832 t3_zgwav2
Submitted by FairMathematician595 t3_yyo9j1
Submitted by nishu3210 t3_ybtjjd
Submitted by PleaseKillMeNowOkay t3_xtadfd
Submitted by Learning_DL t3_10z0ppo
Submitted by V1bicycle t3_10ol7g6
Submitted by No_Possibility_7588 t3_10gu68z