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twelveparsnips t1_ja68j3v wrote

Like this?

Probably because there's no point in making such a machine besides a neat curiosity that would require very expensive low friction bearings. The second you acknowledge it's not a perpetual motion machine, it's no longer interesting.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_ja7fds8 wrote

Actually I’ve worked on a system similar to this. It’s a flywheel generator. Magnetic bearings, vacuum enclosure, 6ft diameter steel fly wheel. You spin it up really really fast, and it spins for years. There is some very slight energy input to counteract any loses, but it’s very minimal. But when you need power the fly wheel could power a house for a couple days (with the right inverter). Totally impractical but a cool prototype not work on.


FrozenKyrie OP t1_ja68qt5 wrote

so we have no need for it other than a cool thing?


twelveparsnips t1_ja69ia0 wrote

what purpose would you want to build such a machine for?


FrozenKyrie OP t1_ja69omu wrote

it's not so much of needing a purpose, it's about possiblity and doing something because we can


twelveparsnips t1_ja69sfx wrote

>it's about possiblity and doing something because we can

so a neat thing to look at that serves no purpose...


yoshhash t1_ja7ceqj wrote

are you talking about harnessing the energy from this machine? Because t hat's the thing that is pointless. You can make something that ALMOST stays perpetually in motion but it cannot remain in motion as soon as you try to tap into that energy.