Submitted by Small_Conference_227 t3_11edhrp in explainlikeimfive
Hi everyone for a university project I have to research an optical prism so I need to be able to fully understand it. It would also be super helpful if anyone knows the answers to these questions… If you shine a coloured light what would happen? Why does it need to have an angle if you can use cuboid ones? Do different shapes give different affects?
Thanks I’m advance guys 😊😊
TheJeeronian t1_jadembn wrote
When light slows down on an angled surface, it is bent. The more it slows, the more it is bent.
Light of different frequencies moves through glass at different speeds. This means that different colors bend different amounts. If multiple colors are lumped together, then each will bend a different amount, and so they will separate.
Cubes also have angles.
Different shapes and glasses can have different effects. The right shaped "prism" can be a magnifying lens. The photographic effect called "chromatic aberration" comes from the camera lens acting as a prism.