khalamar t1_jaf2rkr wrote
If you consider that other ways of dying prevent you from dying by being hit by a train (which kinda makes sense, you only live die once), then you are not considering anymore the probability of being hit by a train over an infinite period of time. You are just considering the period until you die of some other cause.
On the other hand, if you are some immortal superhero, then yes, in that case, all the other causes of "death" are not final anymore, and in that case the probably you will die being hit by a train will be 1. It absolutely will happen to you. And since you will resurrect right after that, it will even happen multiple times. An infinite number of times. Enjoy!
Mikiemax80 OP t1_jaf4nbw wrote
Ok, thanks for your reply. I understand how you explained it and it’s very similar to the previous poster’s comparison of a bounded vs infinite set.
Also I definitely don’t want to live forever cos I don’t want to be hit by a train 😂
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