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Daddydeader t1_jegbqrz wrote

The staff will typically keep a record of who called (often verifying the address to make sure they are constituents), what they are calling about, and for/against.

This is also done with faxes, emails, and on the web form.

If it is something that gets lots of people calling in, as in far higher than normal, the representative may choose to view it as a reason to vote a certain way. They are, unfortunately, not obligated to do so. This tactic is especially effective during election years as they may see it affecting their reelection.


Sand_Trout t1_jegc8ba wrote

Usually some aide to the cobgressman will answer and take your call. They will then make a note of the issue you called about and whether you are calling in support of opposition to some specific thing.

These notes will be summed up and briefed to the congressman as a group:

  • 36 people called in support of the bill banning booty shorts

  • 55 people called in opposition of the bill banning booty shorts

  • 23 people called expressing their love and/or hatred of you, the president, and Smokey the Bear.

*Note: Above examples are deliberately absurd and not intended to imply anyone's opinion on booty shorts or Smokey the Bear

How much the affects the decisions of the congressman are difficult to determine with certainty, but telephone and writing campaigns from constituents have been cited as the reason for a given congressman's vote, and many congresmen will refrain from sponsoring or voting for bills if the believe it will result in hostile backlash, so there does appear to be some effect if there are enough people calling and writing about the same issue in one direction. This also likely varies wildly by the specific congressman


A_Garbage_Truck t1_jegiwbc wrote

what SHOULD be happening is that the representative in question and/or their subordinates should be taking note of the received calls and the grievances.

the rep should then be using this information to know that a significant chunk of their constituents(with the votes that put them in office) disagree with policy and use this support to take the issue to higher places to be discussed and hopefully changed for the better. if this gets ignored by enough people that file complaints that rep might have issues getting support in the next election cycle.

in practice this doesnt always occur, but this practice should not be phased out as its one of the few manners the common voter can still interact with politics outside of voting.


not_today_trebeck t1_jegk3py wrote

An intern will answer the phone then may or may not actually record your name and comment then it's completely up in the air if the representative gets that memo. You will however be almost guaranteed to get a form letter, most likely written by AI at this point, about how much your comments mean to the person and how your views are important to consider. You will then be signed up for every newsletter, email, and town hall call that rep does forever.


BillWoods6 t1_jegn5ci wrote

Your representative ('s staff) will take note of your opinion, but more-or-less in proportion to the effort you make.

  • Click on an on-line petition: eh.
  • Call and give a brief statement: okay (there's probably a dozen other constituents of the same opinion).
  • Write a letter, and print it, and mail it: wow, this guy cares (there's probably hundreds of others).

WeDriftEternal t1_jegt74x wrote

Basically nothing of value to anyone.

You call in and if you get through you talk to a staffer or intern making shit money who doesn’t care they just have to be there to answer phones and emails.

They are in theory supposed to take note of it and inform the proper people but it’s just a placebo for the people calling in. Nothing happens.

McDonalds cares more that a customer would call and complain than your rep.

Also fun stuff a lot of calls and e-mails are generally from the same people over and over and over. So they know who these people are and hate them. literally the same People over and over. Also they get plenty of true crazies who call regularly asking why the rep won’t do things about aliens taking over their brain. Not kidding at all. Crazy people call a lot. A lot.

“Regular” people don’t really call or write. It’s a unique crowd and they do it over and over. It has no value except an intern having to deal with it.
