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starion832000 t1_jefbusm wrote

I love how literally everyone that causes a dopamine response in the brain can become addictive, yet Reddit blows up on me every time I suggest that guns are addictive.


Future_Club1171 t1_jefvzns wrote

Technically, but addictive in the same way working out, watching movies, or a book can be addictive. Basically it’s just your go to source for dopamine, but for the most part sources can be interchangeable. I.e someone who is addicted to gun could probably scratch that itch with a fps game or action movie (on a stimulus basis at least). This does differ from chemical addiction cause while the initial spark is from dopamine, the other chemical triggers makes it stick differently. If you are chemically addicted to nicotine for instance you ease it just from other stimuli, since it’s specifically the nicotine your body is missing.


MSeager t1_jegoi0w wrote

Yeah and with addiction vs hobby, it comes down to where you are getting that dopamine “hit” from and how much. If you have lots of places (hobbies, social interactions, pets, etc) you only need a little “hit”.

If the only thing left in your life that gives you that dopamine “hit” is say, gambling, and you need to do a lot to get the same “hit” as you used to, that’s an addiction.