Submitted by amsdys t3_127uy9z in explainlikeimfive
Chromotron t1_jegq6cj wrote
Reply to comment by kemakol in ELI5-What is the fibonacci sequence? by amsdys
To put it mildly, your post is full of lies and blatantly wrong statements. Most of them not even close even if one rounds the numbers very generously.
> It mimics the way cells divide
> the ratio between any successive numbers gets closer and closer to Phi
Yes but that is definitely not behind the hype. I can write down a lot of sequences that converge to whatever number you like.
> the western musical scale is based on the sequence with one octave having 13 notes and a scale having 8 notes
It is actually based on powers of 2^(1/12), namely those close to rational numbers.
> tons of architects over many cultures have used that ratio in their buildings
Tons? maybe one in a thousand, at best. Which is not because the number is great, but because they fell for the hype.
> Our DNA strands measure 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its double helix spiral
This is completely random, measure it with any other unit and it becomes wrong. And it is completely false, too. Their length is way higher (in the order of centimeters per chromosome!), varies between chromosomes a lot, and more. And googling says it's actually 18 Angstroms in diameter, not 21, but whatever, that is random at this point anyway.
> the ratio between our moons radius and the Earth's radius is phi
Just no. Don't invent random things. The ratio is ~3.667, what the heck did you even smoke to confuse that with phi? At least check your claims sometimes?
Edit: fixed quote.
kemakol t1_jegsbbh wrote
The earth/moon thing is a little off, but not incorrect. The right triangle you'd create based on their radiuses is Phi. If you knew as much as you'd like to think, you could have corrected that. Everything else stands and your first sentence is just you projecting. Like, go look at a piano, wise guy... Missing the forest for the trees
Chromotron t1_jegt060 wrote
> The right triangle you'd create based on their radiuses is Phi.
What does that even mean? A triangle is just a number?! Still begging the question what drug you are on.
> If you knew as much as you'd like to think, you could have corrected that.
Correct it to what? I gave you the correct ratio!
> Like, go look at a piano
Read up on musical theory and don't act the way you do if you have no idea what you are talking about...
> Everything else stands
Like... all the other things I debunked, such as you seriously claiming that human DNA is only 3.4 nanometers long (and while so, by your own claim, not even twice as long as wide!), when in reality it is centimeters per strand and ~3 meters total, per cell?
kemakol t1_jegwcey wrote
Weaponized incompetence is a lot easier than trying to understand, huh?
Chromotron t1_jegwt5a wrote
Nice, you figured it out :-)
InfernalOrgasm t1_jegywqh wrote
kemakol t1_jegyzgi wrote
Before I typed a word, yes. We're both here for reasons.
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