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BlueWizard3 t1_jctdj3e wrote

Depends. I’ve heard (and don’t quote me on this) that if your aim is to reset your sleep schedule, you should wait until the following night and go to bed at a specific time.

Otherwise, if I have work or something that needs my full, awake attention, I’d take a nap but NOT sleep a full 8 hours in the middle of the day because that would mess up my sleep schedule.


ClothesPhysical597 t1_jctdohu wrote

I'm not sure what's worse, messing up your sleep schedule or the existential dread that comes with being awake for 24 hours straight.


BlueWizard3 t1_jcttwn4 wrote

Caffeine and melatonin supplements ;)

Too busy worrying that my heart is going to implode than I am about my place in the universe