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TheBestMePlausible t1_jeck70a wrote

Why not just make a battery that spits out 3V?


ToxiClay t1_jeckkv5 wrote

That would require sticking two batteries together in a permanent sort of way, which would be varying shades of difficult. It would also wreck the current standard paradigm, which is designed around 1.5V battery chemistry. Even a "9V battery" is actually made of six 1.5V cells together, and a 6V lantern battery is made of four.

To get a single-cell battery to spit out 3V, we'd need to find new battery chemistry -- new substances that would spit out 3V.


Soory-MyBad t1_jecrtjg wrote

Or, they would need to affix two 1.5 volt batteries in series in one long battery, except TV remotes have batteries next to each other to save space.

The answer is that 1.5v batteries provide diversitility in how they are used and mounted in devices.


dxrey65 t1_jef0s7g wrote

> "diversitility"

That's totally not a word. But I can see how it could be. I can just imagine Frigidaire or General Electric or someone coming out with a whole ad campaign about the diversitility of their products.


cimeran t1_jefvr3r wrote

How can this NOT be a word? Also, dibs on that for my rap name


simask234 t1_jeelwls wrote

My Samsung TV's remote has the batteries arranged vertically


afcagroo t1_jefwol7 wrote

Even in remotes where they are physically side by side, they are often electrically connected in series.


skittlebog t1_jegempw wrote

Can it be done, yes. Has it been done, yes. Is it worth doing in most cases, no. Lots of devices have been produced that used proprietary batteries. And they are a pain. I had 2 different wireless land line phones that used different battery packs that were basically 2 or 3 batteries wrapped together. I had to special order a new battery each time. It is much simpler to just use multiple standard batteries.


jaa101 t1_jecz5fp wrote

> To get a single-cell battery

Strictly speaking, a "single-cell battery" is an oxymoron. The word "battery" means a group of things working together so, while a 9V battery is a battery of six cells, a AA is one (electrolytic) cell and not a battery.

The word originally comes from batteries of guns which were used to batter down fortifications.


urzu_seven t1_jedmbh0 wrote

Strictly speaking, no its not because the words meaning has changed over time, as language often does.

Understanding the origin of words (etymology) is great! Not understanding that new meanings aren't strictly bound to older/other usages is not.


Mental_Cut8290 t1_jeebxq1 wrote

The only people who correctly use batteries are Philadelphia Eagles fans who used a barrage of "cells" in their battery.


fox-mcleod t1_jeetfma wrote

In the industry, it’s called a “cell”. The term “battery” refers specifically to arrays of them.


Jimid41 t1_jeg1t2c wrote

> Strictly speaking, no its not because the words meaning has changed over time, as language often does.

Which is not the case here. It may be common parlance for the layman but they're different for people that use them in industrial settings and they're different according their definitions in the dictionary.

So he's correct. Speaking strictly, it's an oxymoron.


urzu_seven t1_jegp2fk wrote

Again no, strictly speaking he is not. Layman’s terms are just as valid. They do not stop having meaning just because someone uses a term in a technical fashion in a different manner. The usage of the term battery to refer to a singular item is not remotely an oxymoron. It’s a well defined, well understood, broadly used term that is fully consistent in how it’s used.


Jimid41 t1_jegpcmo wrote

What do you think the phrase "strictly speaking" means? And how often are laymen talking about the cell count in a battery? I wouldn't say the topic is broadly discussed by the general public at all. And in cases where it is the definition and understanding indeed dictates a single cell battery an oxymoron.


urzu_seven t1_jegpzu9 wrote

I know it doesn’t mean “I’m going to arbitrarily ignore other definitions of the word to focus on an outdated and/or narrowly used definition”

Again the use of battery to denote a singular object is well established and 100% valid. You can’t ignore the most common usage to try and create a false oxymoron. That’s like saying “Well if you ignore all the points the other team scored, technically I won, even though the final score was 100-1 then”.


Jimid41 t1_jegrr6a wrote

> “I’m going to arbitrarily ignore other definitions of the word to focus on an outdated and/or narrowly used definition”

There's nothing arbitrary about it. The definition isn't dated or narrow, it's properly specific.

>Again the use of battery to denote a singular object is well established and 100% valid

Yes just as a truck is a singular thing, that is made up of other things. Nobody is arguing different.

> You can’t ignore the most common usage to try and create a false oxymoron

How often are you speaking of the cell count on batteries to alledge what the most common usage is?

And again, what do you think strictly speaking means? Might it mean according to the strictest definition?


urzu_seven t1_jegs2jn wrote

You are not using “the strictest definition”. You are using an arbitrarily chosen definition to justify your argument while ignoring other more common and equally valid definitions.


Jimid41 t1_jegsej8 wrote

Oh you have a stricter definition. Let's see it.


urzu_seven t1_jegsuod wrote

There is no “stricter” definition. That’s your problem. You are trying to be pedantic about something that doesn’t apply.


Jimid41 t1_jegt3ad wrote

Are you arguing that more constricting parameters doesn't equate to a stricter definition?


urzu_seven t1_jegv1rg wrote

When it comes to defining whether the meaning of a word is valid or not yes, absolutely you can’t have a “stricter” definition because it’s a binary operation. Either the definition is valid or it’s not.

Battery as a single object is a valid definition. It is, to use your language, strictly valid and just as strictly valid as other accepted and used definitions.

You are, ironically, confusing definition of words, with definition of situations.


Jimid41 t1_jeh1ekm wrote

Good thing in this case validity of the use of the word wasn't in question since it was prefaced with "strictly speaking".


sakatan t1_jedyfbc wrote

I'm sooo going to akshually people with this when the opportunity arises. Or even just out of the blue.


I-melted t1_jedy5f4 wrote

And yet I’ve used products that did exactly this. Remote control cars use multiple single batteries that are wrapped into one useful mega battery.


d4m1ty t1_jefi46j wrote

Cells. A group is Cells form a battery.

A 9V is a battery of 6 1.5v Cells.

A AA is a 1.5V Cell.


I-melted t1_jegcrpw wrote

I’m a drummer. I batter things. I don’t have enough brain cells to understand all this technical stuff.


rhino369 t1_jef2t1c wrote

But then you need a special battery for a special product. But I can use AA or AAA batteries in a bunch of stuff. If something needs 6v? They require 4 batteries. If they need 4.5 V they can just use 3.


TheSkiGeek t1_jefcrhw wrote

I mean… if there was really widespread demand for it, you could make something AA-cell sized that is actually two smaller 1.5V cells stacked in series. That’s basically what a 9V battery is, it’s six little 1.5V cells packaged up.

But most things that want 3V or more have enough space to hold two or more AA or AAA cells. So there just hasn’t really been enough demand to make a new widespread size+voltage format for consumer usage.


Walys88 t1_jeff75y wrote

>To get a single-cell battery to spit out 3V, we'd need to find new battery chemistry -- new substances that would spit out 3V.

Lithium-ion cells have entered the chat


fox-mcleod t1_jeet6bw wrote

This is erroneous. The term “battery” itself refers to doing just this. It is a battery (array) of cells.


NoCelery1168 t1_jeh16z3 wrote

Well, have close to that right now. Lithium cells put out 3.7V nominally.


ExEssentialPain t1_jeh5ffk wrote

This is how 9v batteries are made. And most batteries with higher voltage outputs.


whiskeysixkilo t1_jeckxap wrote

They do. Lithium (Li-MnO2) batteries output 3V.

Lithium ion batteries output around 3.7 to 4.2V.

Alkaline batteries output around 1.5V.

NiCd batteries output around 1.2V.

Different types of batteries create different amounts of electrical “pressure” as u/ToxiClay put it.


Saporificpug t1_jecuqfw wrote

They "do" but they also don't. The voltage wasn't made specifically for the application but is rather what the chemistry can provide.


FartyPants69 t1_jego5fi wrote

Exactly, and alkaline cells far preceded Li-ion cells. You could easily make a TV remote today that takes a single 18650 Li-ion cell, but not in 1980.

Since AAA cells have been ubiquitous for decades, and that's what consumers have come to expect, it's going to take a long time to transition everything to something else.


remarkablemayonaise t1_jee2y8r wrote

The Lithium cells are rechargeable (typically) or are very specialised single use.

The chemistry of cheap single use cells is based around 1-2V. I'm sure there is some chicken and egg problem where cheap cells could be developed with a higher voltage, but typically higher voltages involve batteries of tried and tested cheap cells.


Pocok5 t1_jefef4t wrote

> very specialised single use.

You mean coin cells. CRxxxx coin cells are all single use Li-MnO2.


biggsteve81 t1_jegifwf wrote

You can buy lithium AA and AAA cells from Energizer.


remarkablemayonaise t1_jeffktc wrote

Fairly expensive in terms of energy density. The alternative are silver based. If you're using a watch for a year or two it shouldn't make much difference.


Cake-Efficient t1_jeco3fu wrote

The voltage of a battery cell is determined by its chemical makeup. The common alkaline batteries use Zinc and Manganese which react to produce a certain “concentration of free electrons” (aka voltage). The reaction is at equilibrium when no current is being drawn (moving those electrons out). When the battery is connected to a device, those electrons are drawn out of one end and pushed into the other, which changes the equilibrium of the reaction. The zinc and manganese react to replenish the electrons and reestablish equilibrium until all of the reactants are used up. At that point, the reaction can no longer produce electrons and the battery is dead. Using different reactants will change the equilibrium “concentration” (voltage) of electrons. Since each cell can only produce a certain electron pressure/concentration/voltage according to its chemistry, the way to get higher voltages is to stack them on top of one another.


Saporificpug t1_jecyc59 wrote

The chemistry defines the voltage of the battery. Lithium operates anywhere from 3V to 4.45V or 1.5V.

The biggest challenge between chemistries is going to be energy density compared to other types, cost and sometimes weight and size.

Lithium is becoming battery leader in terms of chemistry, because it has a higher energy density, lower weight and can come in many form factors. The biggest downside is cost.

Alkaline has the benefit that it's low cost, decent for most cases in terms of size & weight ratios. NiCDs are heavier.

Energizer makes lithium AA/AAA that are 1.5V. The biggest benefit over alkaline is that those lithium batteries have longer runtime (also work better in cold). However, the lithium batteries are more expensive and you could probably buy more alkalines for the same cost.

It's worth mentioning that non-rechargables typically hold charge longer than their rechargable counterparts, the benefit of rechargable is that you shouldn't have to recycle rechargables away after it discharges. This means on one charge cycle, you'll have to charge the rechargable before the non-rechargable. Non-rechargables are quick to replace but you have to buy more over time.

With this in consideration cheap electronics typically come with alkalines AA/AAA because it's cost effective, provides the needed power and decent runtime and they don't care too much about you needing to replace the battery when it's discharged.


ruidh t1_jefhdej wrote

Chemistry. The chemical reaction which releases the electricity generates 1.5 volts.

That said, have you ever opened up a 6 volt lantern battery? You will find a bunch of AAAs in there wired together to produce 6 volts.


dr-dog69 t1_jegzk4w wrote

Open up a 9v battery and tell us whats inside


TheBestMePlausible t1_jeh292y wrote

A miniature universe with a planet inhabited by intelligent life who use kinetic devices to produce electricity which is rediverted to the little round button things on the end of the battery under the guise of "waste power"?


TheBestMePlausible t1_jeh2gqk wrote

A single, tiny Keanu Reeves, covered in slime, with weird biomechanical wires attached to his back and scull?


TheBestMePlausible t1_jeh359w wrote

A bunch of 1mm tall dudes in hard hats and yellow safety gear, running around driving little miniature forklifts carrying pallets of electricity, and when I peel back the sides of the battery they all start yelling at me in thick bronx accents, threatening to get the union reps involved?


th3h4ck3r t1_jee0wjl wrote

You absolutely can, but by now it's standardized that A-series batteries (AA, AAA, even AAAA) will put out 1.5 V, same as C and D batteries. It's societal inertia that prevents it, nothing else; why change if it ain't broken?

Button cells, however, commonly work at 3 V, and are standardized at that voltage.


fox-mcleod t1_jeet2tq wrote

Because having half of increments is useful. We might want 4.5 volts.