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imnotsoho t1_iube3jr wrote

My uncle was a Morse code operator in WWII. He told me he could send and receive at the same time.

Also during WWII there were Allied coders who could recognize the signature cadence of Nazi operators so they could tell when certain units had moved from one location to another.


p33k4y t1_iubjs0i wrote


A family member also operated Morse around that timeframe.

He told me in comm rooms there were constant chatter of Morse code in the background from traffic meant for other stations.

Yet at times even when he was half asleep / dozing off from fatigue while on duty, his hand would automatically reach for the Morse key "clicker" and start to respond subconsciously whenever his station's "dit-dit-dah" code came on air.


Beneficial-Shower-42 t1_iubvdxp wrote

My father in law was also a Morse code operator in WWII in Alaska and he listened to the Japanese transmissions. He said they would change the code mid stream so all of a sudden you had no idea what you were listening too.


danmessy t1_iuc39sk wrote

What happens if you make an error in the sequence? Like is there a code to send to "backspace" or restart the letter/ word?


sr20rocket t1_iuc6mgb wrote

The longest character in Morse code (which includes numbers and punctuation) is only 6 "characters" Long. For example 5 dots in a row is the number 5. 5 dashes in a row is the number zero.

Punctuation is typically 6 "characters" of dots/dashes. For example ? = . . - - . . But there is no official Punctuation for 6 dots in a row or 6 dashes in a row.

A mistake is typically indicated by a series of 6 or more dots in a row.

"Shorthand" in code is huge and can greatly increase word count and comprehension with practice. Think of it like all the acronyms that people use while texting sometimes. Same thing happens in Morse code. For example DE in code means "this is" as in introducing or announcing who you are. WX = weather. HIHI is laughter because it rhythmically sounds like it. 88=XOXO (hugs and kisses). 73=thanks for the chat.


flapjack3285 t1_iuccjhd wrote

>"Shorthand" in code is huge

But that how you get 3 morons almost killed by El Guapo because they think infamous means more than famous, that is "in famous".