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Cane-Dewey t1_iudf3z1 wrote

My dad sent and received Morse Code for the Air Force back in the 60s. He'll still hear random beeps and hear letters/words/phrases out of them. It's definitely like hearing a second language he says.


okt127 t1_iudpp1f wrote

This would be a good r/writingprompt idea. A person who hears and learns world secret through electronic beeps everywhere. Highly sought after by the MI6 and the CIA for his rare ability. LoL


Supraspinator t1_iuehpxm wrote

Same for my grandpa. He was a radio operator in WW2 as a very young man. One year in the 90s we got Walkie-Talkies for Christmas and he fired off a full paragraph of text.