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TehWildMan_ t1_iueg543 wrote

Lower ceilings tend to create the feeling of being in a cramped space, which is something many modern renovation/construction projects try to avoid


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CFDietCoke t1_iuegiho wrote

I don't think there is any actual architectural reason, just aesthetics and design

Places with very high ceilings feel more roomy than ones with small ceilings, and airports get very crowded, so a more roomy feeling will make passengers feel better about the space.

Also you, as a passenger, only see a small part of the airport. There is a whole other ecosystem of people working and running the place, usually on floors above the bottom floor, which means the cieling is higher to allow extra floors


kalechipsaregood t1_iuegtpa wrote

International airports are also a status symbol welcoming people from all over into a country or major city. So they make them airy and light and impressive. Eg. The waterfall in the Singapore Airport is just a giant "look how rich we are" sign.


Klai8 t1_iueitkp wrote

I used to build airports, there are two main reasons—humans generate 500 BTU each of heat. There are smaller airports with plenums and oversized HVAC systems but you’d have to localize the HVAC systems for each gate instead of just using chilled water systems before flights.

Taller ceilings help dissipate the heat around the entire building. Also, like someone else mentioned, airports are basically symbolic welcome mats to tourists & businesspeople alike so a great deal of expensive architecture goes into them. Some of the most expensive firms serve as the architects of record on them.


RTXEnabledViera t1_iuejfv8 wrote

But since we can make them tall, we do. This isn't just airports. Look at Union station. Built in the 20s yet feels like a giant hall with a very tall roof. This isn't some new age architecture fad. Many will argue it's twice as important in airports to make passengers feel at ease since they're about to be crammed in a narrow metal tube for hours. Better to get a look at the blue sky and planes landing/taking off.


IMovedYourCheese t1_iuekqc3 wrote

It isn't just airports. Any place that is designed for crowds and gets lots of foot traffic has such architecture. Think hotel lobbies, atriums, office building lobbies, big box retail stores, convention centers. It helps with air flow and makes the space feel more roomy.


tobi437u t1_iuemaq1 wrote

There are a few reasons for this. First, high ceilings allow for better ventilation, which is important in preventing the spread of airborne diseases. Second, high ceilings make it easier to store luggage and other items out of the way, and to move around the airport more easily. Finally, high ceilings help to reduce noise levels, which can be important for both passengers and airport staff.


r2k-in-the-vortex t1_iuen0i0 wrote

Because in such hall constructions extra height is relatively cheap, lifting the roof higher doesn't add much cost, but it certainly makes the place feel roomier and with a bit of effort much more impressive. It's an ancient engineering trick, temples, churches etc do the same thing, it greatly eases sales no matter if you are peddling last minute tourist nick-nacks or a cult.


nim_opet t1_iueogfp wrote

You clearly have not been to LGA before it was deconstructed. It felt like a 3rd world bus terminal; dark and oppressive. Thousands of people queuing up even in 12’ ceilings very quickly turns unbearable


CCNeverender t1_iueq3ek wrote

Can you elaborate on the second point about luggage? I'm not sure I understand how tall ceiling space gives more room for 3 foot tall suitcases wheeled around on the floor.


Wasted_Weasel t1_iuf54op wrote

Just to add to this already great answers, there's also engineering reasons.
Think about the massive space luggage sorting machines occupy. You just see a belt with your luggage, but in rality this could get to multi-story level, not to say that in some airports luggage travles from one ent of the airport to another. HVAC, plumbing, cabling runs, all need to be easily accesible by maintenence workers, so just for that it easily adds a conventional story just for that reason. Think all the behind-the courtain stuff... Loads of administrative areas that you do not see are stacked on top pf another in semi conventional ceiling height.


scaryjobob t1_iuf5jgz wrote

Like the water cooling in a PC, but instead of pumping water to your components to carry the heat away, it's pumping it to air handlers that cycle the air to cool it down.


eerun165 t1_iuf6fho wrote

Water is cooled with a chiller, and pumped to FCU (fan coil units, basically a heat exchanger with a fan). The FCU blows air through its coil as the cooled liquid is pumped through the coil, the water absorbs heat, cooling the air. The heat then returns via the chilled water system to the chiller to be cooled again and go back out.

The chiller is a mechanical system using refrigerants to cool the liquid. The other output of the chiller is heated water, which then typically goes to a cooling tower (basically another heat exchanger) water flows through the tower as a fan pulls ambient outdoor air, which removes heat from that portion to go back and cool the chiller.


JeffSergeant t1_iuf9w1m wrote

Definitely helps feeling roomier, imagine being in a zig-zag queue for checkin in standard room ceilings, just thinking of it makes me claustrophobic.

I guess it also helps with navigation; you can put signs up higher for greater visibility


Beneficial-Car-3959 t1_iufatry wrote

I read that one giant supermarket in China has bigger electricity bill for cooling the building during winter than during summer because more people go to supermarket in winter. Humans are walking ovens.


Shurgosa t1_iufg2yw wrote

How interesting that today is the day I finally revisit my FCU map update project at work and shit all the info into one document. We have like 20 of these goddamn things all scattered around the building in storage rooms, and areas that are surrounded by stairwells that seem to tie themselves into knots. The current maps being used are photocopied blueprints from the 1980s marked up with a highlighter.


BassoonHero t1_iufivy7 wrote

There's a lot of psychology that goes into architecture. A lot of things are the way they are because they make people comfortable.

Airports have to have large spaces — at least in two dimensions. The third dimension could be short without sacrificing function (other than perhaps ventilation), but it would feel cramped and oppressive. It's no different from a big-box store — a lot of them have higher ceilings than they'd otherwise need, simply to make it feel comfortably spacious.


chevymonza t1_iufiwjp wrote

It really is an incredible transformation. Did see a homeless person asleep in one of the long hallways (don't blame them really) and some dog poop, but those could also be props to get people acclimated to the NYC experience.


Hex_Frost t1_iufnlc6 wrote

I love reddit so much because you have people casually saying shit like "yeah, i used to build Airports" like that isn't one of the coolest things you can do like ???


koalaposse t1_iufs3xd wrote

This is interesting. Do similar mass of people go through other places and systems that are more enclosed in other areas of life, or does all architecture design for this in the same way? Thinking sports, trains and concerts.


justmyfakename t1_iufs7u9 wrote

In the airport where I work, the public areas are all tall ceilings 40 to 60 foot. I see lots of posts talking about baggage, etc. At my airport at least, that's all underground... As far down as the ceilings are high. We have several sublevels, including a dedicated level just for baggage handling, and another just for utilities, etc.


koalaposse t1_iufswi8 wrote

Wow! That is so great to learn that height reduces noise? Must be one of the reasons it is so appealing in a sensory way, had not realised this! Makes so much sense.

Usually you hear - repeatedly, domestically that height is very expensive due to material costs, where it seems everything is almost only just above door height in many developer builds.


Dirty_Hertz t1_iufyq6b wrote

Oh, I love those. I had some recent record drawing projects where I only had scanned ancient BS like you said and a set of survey markups from a guy who couldn't write to save his life. Couldn't tell the difference between 3, 5, or 8. They all looked the same!


bulksalty t1_iufzxoz wrote

Basically all the calories you take in are burned as heat (you get a small amount of work, but the vast majority are heat lost). If you're eating 2000 calories/day and not adding to your fat reserves, you're almost certainly releasing at least 1960 calories/day as heat.


oskitheleopard t1_iug59la wrote

I was halfway expecting the undertaker to come into the story. Really interesting and makes complete sense. I had always kind of figured people just liked big buildings and building a airport is so expensive anyway you might as well make it fancy.


Internet-of-cruft t1_iug8slw wrote

I mean I built the network (and most of the app / server infrastructure) for one of the local international air terminals...

It's not that uncommon to find someone who worked on them. There's a lot of stuff to do.


Elfich47 t1_iug9drk wrote

I hate doing HVAC design in airports. The local (international) always runs significantly negative because the food stalls never make up their exhaust.


OneAndOnlyJackSchitt t1_iug9mag wrote

"I used to build airports and transit hubs. Lots of subways and train stations. Actually, you name it and I've probably built it. Even skyscrapers, storefronts, houses, apartments, condos. Cities: Skylines is pretty awesome. Logged over 10,000 hours."


_Haverford_ t1_iugbdt0 wrote

As someone who uses contemporary Penn weekly, thinking about the old structure makes me so sad. Penn Station is a dismal, depressing place. Even the improvements over by the LIRR suck. They set up a whole room of diffuse lights to simulate daylight, which sounds great... Walking through at 10:00pm at night and suddenly being in "daylight" is nauseating.


cerberus_1 t1_iugd6n7 wrote

K, so its all about the second thing.

I build server rooms... they produce heat like 1000 people smashed into a black hole.. we push cooling through the floor.. high ceilings are telling everyone how happy they are about spending $500 on a 2 hour flight with no service.


samyouall t1_iugemvr wrote

I would think it has to do with keeping a stable climate during surges and lulls of people. Similar to how it’s easier to maintain water quality in a large aquarium s a smaller tank, more air volume will remain a steady temperature/quality.

I have nothing to back this up. Just a hunch.


ThePrem t1_iugg04t wrote

You can have a localized HVAC system that uses chilled water…?

You are correct with your idea of more air = more consistent air temperature / smaller temperature swings….but your explanation is a little off

There are other reasons beyond HVAC such as sound, lighting, room for large signage, and just overall aesthetics.


BassoonHero t1_iuglqb1 wrote

That could well be; I don't know. But you see the same kinds of design in any large indoor space designed for a lot of people, not just in transportation terminals: shopping malls, ballrooms, big box stores, and so on.


OneAndOnlyJackSchitt t1_iugnbni wrote

I've never used any of the paid DLC stuff. I might at some point, but it's certainly not required by any means.

Lots of totally free mods, though.

Edit to add: The paid DLCs add new mechanics to the base game and are basically the same as old school expansion packs were for offline games. It's not like that lootbox bullshit or anything scammy. Also, these DLCs are ongoing development. Game's been out since like 2015 and they just release a new DLC last month.

Also, I'll add that I am not affiliated with Colossal Order (developer) or Paradox Interactive (publisher) and this is not a paid advertisement. I just really like the game, just not enough to pay for DLC.


cantonic t1_iugnprn wrote

A bunch of the DLC are just radio and custom building little DLC. I think there are a total of 12 legitimate expansions, but none of them are necessary to enjoy the game and it has thousands of quality mods available for free.


TucsonTacos t1_iugqdb4 wrote

I used to live there, and it gets even colder than that. If I had to guess I would say residual heat? Possibly something engineered with the hot water being next to the cold water pipes? I really have no idea but it was a comfortable temperature every time I went during winter.


Rampage_Rick t1_iugrs7i wrote

Pretty sure that many hotel rooms work this way. If there isn't an A/C unit shoved through the wall then there's probably a chilled-water AHU in the ceiling above the door or bathroom.


FriendoftheDork t1_iugsu91 wrote

I'm used to the heat being increased an hour or two before opening, and lowered significantly during the empty hours. But if there is no heating at all then they can't even get a little warm until you have a lot of human traffic.


zz_z t1_iugsz7q wrote

I've been in some small countries customs where it's just a standard 8' drop ceiling with like 3,000 people queued up, definitely feels super claustrophobic.


crossedstaves t1_iugunzx wrote

When you have a very large building you wind up having a reduced ratio of surface area to volume. The thermal energy inside the mall has a harder time finding a way out than it would in a smaller building because there's just less building surface in comparison. It takes time to get truly cold.


Floodtoflood t1_iuhat86 wrote

Air handlers handle air like the name says (they cool or heat air and then blow it where you need it through duct work). The cooling of the water is done by a chiller and the resulting heat would be dissipated by a cooling tower or heat pump.


__s10e t1_iuhdx79 wrote

Is ventilation another reason? The huge volume provides sufficient oxygen for anyone inside for quite some time even if ventilation breaks down.


SafetyMan35 t1_iuheyvw wrote

From the mall website

MOA does not use a central heating system; instead, 70 degrees is maintained year-round with passive solar energy from 1.2 miles of skylights and heat generated from lighting, store fixtures + body heat


Immediate-Lychee-612 t1_iuhhomc wrote

My brother and I were walking down the Salt Lake City airport last week, and we commented that even though there’s a ton of people and the walkway is forever, it didn’t feel so bad because the ceilings were pretty high.


magdra t1_iuhhsf2 wrote

Same. This is a game that'd benefit from a pirated copy going around for free. If I got to try it, and knew I really liked it like I think I would, I'd probably buy it...but for now, I have other games I've bought and haven't really played so I'm going to stick to those


strangemedia6 t1_iuhrhnt wrote

On a smaller scale, but Indianapolis’ airport went through a similar transformation with their new terminal. It’s a medium sized airport with just one terminal but they built a new one in 2008 and tore down the old. I was on one of the first flights to come in to the new terminal, can’t remember if it was on the actual first day of operation or not. The old terminal felt like you were walking through an average high school building, nothing pleasant at all about being there. The new one is all about windows and open space and was also the first terminal fully designed and built after 9/11. It only has ~40 gates so it doesn’t have to deal with the massive operations or hub functions of other airports, but it still at the top of rankings for medium sized airports even 14 years later is by far my favorite airport to fly through.

Only bad experience I have ever had there was when I made the mistake of flying Allegiant. We got in and got off the plane, waited for luggage and it never came. Some people went to the Allegiant desk to ask what was going on eventually and found no one there. Turns out all of Allegiant’s staff left for the day and no one ever got the luggage off the plane. 🤣 Much funnier looking back.


Philo_T_Farnsworth t1_iuhvu1f wrote

> Taller ceilings help dissipate the heat around the entire building.

Okay, weird question here but does it ever rain indoors due to this? I'm just wondering how you deal with moisture.


Murazama t1_iuhwlsk wrote

We have a Walmart I work at on occasion. High ceilings, only thing HVAC pushes around is the air for the coolers (I assume) because during Winter it's like a fucking icebox in there, during summer is great, but no heating what so ever, and no amount of bodies in there seems to warm it up. I was in there yesterday, 51°f outside with overcast skies/rain showers and it felt 40ish inside the building. Might be the huge coolers that are wide open and cranked just to above freezing for beer/produce they use but holy hell it's cold in there.


mingus-dew t1_iuhy8s4 wrote

Conversely, an endothermic animal can remain active in a variety of temperatures and also use thermoregulation to fight infection.

But yeah we have very high energy demands and so can't chill as much as ectotherms.


jeeptravel t1_iui09kg wrote

Helsinki airport has been making lots of renovations, and some of the new sections of the airport are just horrible. Tiny little hallways with short ceilings. It feels like an old middle school instead of a new airport. If there’s more than 3 people in line at any of the shops, then they’re blocking the walking paths for people trying to get to their gates.

For a city that’s planned pretty well, the designers really dropped the ball on the airport


Far_Bit3621 t1_iui30ei wrote

Great question! I forgot to mention this is T1. They’ve been doing some nice upgrades/remodels there over the years, especially the bathrooms! They have some gorgeous mosaic tile work at some of the bathroom entrances now.


dz1n3 t1_iuicu2v wrote

In the same essence, the Mall of America in Minneapolis doesn't have a central heating system. It uses the heat generated by the persons inside to heat it. Not only is it huge, but it gets mighty chilly in Minnesota in the winter. Mighty cold!


real_lev_tolstoy t1_iuie6ol wrote

Some have low ceilings in areas, especially if I remember DFW correctly from a few years back. It is claustrophobic and super loud/hot. High ceilings are good for sound, temperature, and general feel.


ThePrem t1_iuigzyk wrote

Thank you...this sounds like a construction manager that has a vague understanding of HVAC

To one point though servers are more consistent with their heat output and cooling is sized appropriately and generally runs consistently. An airport has more diversity and can rapidly swing from a large load to almost none. A larger volume of air can manage that more consistently.

But yes, mostly the other things


malachi347 t1_iuiifpq wrote

Game demos were the shit. Getting a new system with just a game demo disc was def not tho. At least once I got a system with a demo disc and then a gift card to buy my first game... But everything is closed on Christmas (!!!) so I'd just play the hell out of the demos all day lol. I think it was my first playstation.


TucsonTacos t1_iuioxp9 wrote

I mean that’s how the mall works. I’m not an engineer nor did I build it.

You’re just speculating that it ‘probably’ sucks because you ‘feel’ it must work like you think it does. I can’t explain why it does or doesn’t, but there’s no possible way when the mall opens it is -20 inside and they just pray enough people stay and shop in full winter gear until it warms up and they can take their coats off.

They’d never get enough people. Nobody would stay.


WritingTheRongs t1_iuiqajs wrote

concourses are typically lower ceilinged especially right at the gates, the discussion was about the terminals. that photo of concourse C looks totally normal to me. And of course is nowhere near as claustrophobic as the actual aircraft.


The_Power_of_Ammonia t1_iuit1sp wrote

What part of Canada? I think we get and stay colder than most of the East and Great Lakes areas. We're further North than Toronto even.

Every year in Jan/Feb we'll get a week or two with nightly lows of -40 to -50 or so. Sometimes the daily high even stays below -30F for a week or two. Bright, sunny winter days are a special thing - too cold to snow!


ordinary_kittens t1_iuitwg2 wrote

I don’t like to give my location but I live near Edmonton, so very dry and cold.

I don’t know Fahrenheit very well but a cold night here will maybe be -30C, with maybe only a week where the temperatures dip below -40C. I mean without windchill (since we are talking about pipes freezing indoors).

I checked the average low temperature for January for Minnesota before posting, and it said the average low was around 4F, so I figured I was fairly close to around what the average low temperature was.

Yes, lots of bright sunny winter days here, too. But, I can tell you guys aren’t much warmer than us despite being so much further south…those midwestern winters are brutal!


CitizenSnipsJr t1_iuiube0 wrote

I've lived in MN my whole life and the coldest I remember was a few overnight lows of -30F during a polar vortex. I think some areas in greater MN might have hit -40F here and there but it's certainly not routine and doesn't stay that cold very long. Anything lower than say -10F is not common and usually only for a few days to a week or so.


ordinary_kittens t1_iuiuxlu wrote

Yeah, people in Canada tend to exaggerate by giving the windchill temperatures, but I think that’s cheating. Excluding windchill we don’t really get to -40F/-40C very often, maybe only once or twice every second winter, in the middle of the night during a cold snap, like you said.


The_Power_of_Ammonia t1_iuiv7mz wrote

I like those temps for a lot of reasons, one of them that the C/F distinction more or less goes away down there haha.

All good mate, talking about the winter's cold can quickly turn into a Salty Spitoon contest of who's toughest! I'm happy to give it to you up in Edmonton though - you know the senses involved with a clear January day for sure!

Right around the corner now, good sauna weather! I was just noting to a friend too how we're a third of the way down from summer: 50⁰ off from the top of July, 100⁰ still to go down to the bottom of January. . . Bring it on!


The_Power_of_Ammonia t1_iuiwdbq wrote

It hits those lows every single year. I'm in the west metro, lived here my whole life.

2014/15 (I think it was) we had highs of -55F, plus windchill. That was exceptional, but we get a week or two at least every year of lows around -40.


CitizenSnipsJr t1_iuiz1n1 wrote

WC temps are made up BS and don't really mean anything. It's only touched overnight lows of -30F a handful of times over many seasons in the metro and only for a couple days max. I only remember two days where the daytime temp was below -20F and that was during a polar vortex.


onajurni t1_iuj4neq wrote

This makes sense to me, because having a lot of humans in a room can heat it up so quickly!

Do they have an air circulation system near the ceiling to keep it moving? I always wondered if it vented to the outside.

I would also think that ventilation has to be key. Being able to circulate all the air people are breathing out up into a very high ceiling is probably what keeps the air breathable at floor level.


onajurni t1_iuj5436 wrote

The gyms and sports facilities I'm familiar with have very high ceilings in the workout areas. The offices in those buildings tend to be more normal ceiling height for offices.

Another set of high-ceiling buildings are large grocery stores. There is one locally that actually has a second floor office area with a balcony that looks down on the shopping area.

And Walmart. :) And most large retail stores.

Locally a large grocery chain pulled out of one of it's main stores. Everyone was wondering what would become of the space, which stayed vacant for months. Then a large gym facility moved in. Makes sense, the space already had the high ceilings the gym wanted.


Curious_Opossum t1_iujfpdn wrote

I worked in MOA for almost a decade. It's very rarely cold in the morning. The place is massive and it doesn't have enough down time to get cold. The coolest it would get would be the morning after Christmas. Winter and empty for over 24 hours. Perfectly warm by noon. The amount of lights and electricity on top of body heat, ovens and grills from restaurants and the food courts, the heat from the rides, the sun coming through the skylights... It's more than enough to keep things warm for a long time.