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Relevant_Sail_7336 OP t1_iueyzzw wrote

Wow! Dang! Thanks so much for this. Can I ask you - are there any autoimmune diseases that would cause this? What about broken capillaries visible on the body?


rshenanigens t1_iufjzmb wrote

Just to be truthful up front I ain't a doctor. Been an Army Medic for some years and an AEMT so take what ever I say with a grain of salt lol. But a lot of autoimmune disorders have hives as a potential symptom, such as thyroid diseases, arthritis and even diabetes. Anytime those small vessels dilate they can potentially burst. But both hives and burst capillary's, which is called Petechiae, are pretty common in a lot of different diseases. You can get those with out having a true autoimmune disorder as far as I know.


Relevant_Sail_7336 OP t1_iufs6hp wrote

Ah thanks. Interesting. I’ve been on a wild medical journey the past five years. Have been to so many specialists and still have no answers. My blood work shows high levels of eosinophils and I am ANA positive. Have had worsening broken capillaries for about five years - started on face and now down to chest. Hives and severe itching started within last few months/weeks.


rshenanigens t1_iug06qe wrote

Ooof dude that's way above my wheel house. I got basics down but no where near that level of knowledge. I liked your original post cause I tell new Medics the same thing! I did work in a OR for a while and from experience ANA positive is super indicative of autoimmune but any more then that I'm clueless. I'm sorry about all that brother, it insane we know so much and so little that "medical mysteries" still exists. All the best wishes, when you get better here soon, come reply and lmk!