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Stiggalicious t1_iuje1lc wrote

Glutamic acid can also be found in high concentrations in all sorts of normal foods.

Carrots, mushrooms, and seaweed are all high in glutamic acid. Parmesan cheese is 1.6% by weight raw glutamic acid. Eggs are 10-11% glutamic acid.

Atlantic cod is 15 grams per 6 oz portion.


Belzeturtle t1_iujxzs7 wrote

> Eggs are 10-11% glutamic acid.

Nope. Eggs are 0.12% glutamic acid.

Source: Youssef A. Attia; Mohammed A. Al-Harthi; Mohamed A. Korish and Mohamed H. Shiboob, Protein and Amino Acid Content in Four Brands of Commercial Table Eggs in Retail Markets in Relation to Human Requirements, Animals (Basel), 2020.