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Chiknlitesnchrome t1_iycwltm wrote

In India, the fence will find you a donor math, there is no rules against friendly donation, so you both go to the hospital and the Indian resident signs that he is gifting you the organ(typically kidney) the doctor performs the surgery, without any risk to licence because the deal is done between the patient and the donor through the fence. The patient pays the fence( 3-5k American) and the en the fence pays the donor. Usually the donor is promised 3-5k which is life changing to their families, but after donating the kidney, the fence usually keeps most of not all the money and leaves donor with either nothing or something like 300$ and without an organ. Very lucrative market. Source-documentary on Netflix


SourceDammit t1_iycytzw wrote

>Source-documentary on Netflix

Post the name of the documentary...................


Chiknlitesnchrome t1_iycznl2 wrote

The traffickers, was the doc, there were multiple episodes and one was about the kidney trade. Not sure if it is still on netflix( I am in Canada) but it was on Netflix and you can find the episodes online


SourceDammit t1_iyd043s wrote

>Not sure if it is still on netflix

Thats what torrents are for. Thanks


Chiknlitesnchrome t1_iyczqj3 wrote

It is way faster and cheaper if you need a kidney to just find a match online and travel to get the kidney than to wait on a donor list.


214b t1_iyd0z3m wrote

This. Everything else posted here is nonsense. An organ donation, by its nature, has to be done between two willing participants (although one or both may have been deceived about the long-term effects of the donation or the payment).

You cannot just knock someone out, steal their organs, then put the organs in a cooler and walk around to hospitals trying to sell them. Things don't work that way (except in movies).