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drafterman t1_j1j0wx2 wrote

There is no confidence that ChatGPT will provide accurate answers. That isn't even the goal of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is essentially a language prediction model. You provide a prompt. Then, using all of its immense database of collected text, plus its machine learning algorithms, generates what it things should come after that prompt. But it has no conception of what is factually true, it only has strings of information.

For example, if you prompt it with "What is 2 + 2?" It will probably say 4. Not because it us doing a mathematical calculation, or understands what math is, or because it knows 4 is right, but because in all of its training data the text "2 + 2" is overwhelming followed by the text "4".

In fact, more sophisticated models can actually be more prone to giving less correct answers in some situations as illustrated here: