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ShouldBeeStudying t1_j2f49sz wrote

If I blare huge sound at my ears it will ruin them. Like gunshots, jet engine or concert speakers. If I blare huge opposite sound at the same time are my ears fine?

Let's ignore the practicality of this please


DragonFireCK t1_j2f6nlx wrote

If you managed a perfect inverse of the wave, the two waves will cancel enough other out and there will be no sound at all. This means that, with perfect noise cancelation, you could be sitting right on top of a jet engine and would hear nothing and have no damage occur.

Practically, getting a perfect inverse is impossible. You'd need a speaker perfectly aligned between the source of the sound and your ears, and the source will actually be a bunch of different points inside the engine, meaning you need roughly an infinite number of infinitely small speakers and microphones.

I did find a video that shows how the phasing works. Its worth noting that the antiphase (opposite) sound will sound the same as the original if heard on its own.