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Skatingraccoon t1_j1qu5d3 wrote

  1. Genetically we are different. We do not all have the same number of taste buds or concentration of taste buds, so something that tastes just sweet enough for one person might taste too sweet or not sweet at all for another person. Some people have tolerances for spicy foods and enjoy the flavor of spicy peppers, some people think it's all just really hot and burning their mouth and don't find any flavor there at all. Some people can't taste certain things at all (like that meme about people thinking Cilantro tastes like soap).

  2. We have different upbringings and exposures to different things. Your neighbor might really enjoy pancakes and syrup because it was a rare treat that brings back fond childhood memories. You might hate it because you ate Eggos every day growing up and you got burned out on it.


DarkAlman t1_j1qz97t wrote

Genetically we are all different, but experience also ties into it.

Humans have different concentrations of taste buds and tolerance for certain types of food.

Some people love spicy food and can eat things that's nuclear hot, while others hate it because it destroys their stomach.

Some people won't eat Cilantro because they have a mutation that makes it taste like soap.

Some people won't eat a certain type of food because it made them throw up once, or they were force fed a certain food by their parents and they refuse to eat it as adults.

Or they may have allergies. Severe allergies have a way of making foods very unappealing.


Whats_This_Shit t1_j1r1wl2 wrote

Even though all humans are biologically similar, we all have different tastes and preferences when it comes to food and drink. This is because our sense of taste and smell are influenced by many factors, including our genetics, our experiences, and our cultural background.

For example, some people might be more sensitive to certain tastes or smells than others, which can affect whether they like or dislike certain foods. Some people might also have had positive or negative experiences with certain foods in the past, which can influence their preferences. Additionally, the foods that we are exposed to and eat regularly can also play a role in our preferences. For example, if you grow up eating a lot of spicy food, you might be more likely to enjoy spicy food as an adult.

So, even though we are all the same biologically, there are many factors that can influence what we like and dislike when it comes to food and drink.


CFDietCoke t1_j1r4vaj wrote

We aren't all the same, biologically. Every person (besides identical twins) has a unique DNA structure. There is no "human genome", there are 8 billion human genomes.


dont-YOLO-ragequit t1_j1r6ftb wrote

Your early diet and the context/experience linked to it has a huge influence on it.

Ask yourself what would be your perfect 3 course meal with drink and then ask what are your earliest souvenirs of the ingredients you like the most of that meal.

Then imagine the worse 3course meal of hell and do the same thing. Chances are the good things are from good times and the bad times remind you of things and souvenirs you never liked.


Flair_Helper t1_j1uwrj9 wrote

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