ImReverse_Giraffe t1_j2akyis wrote
Reply to comment by SirDuke6 in ELI5: Why does putting one foot out from under the blankets bring so much relief of heat while laying in bed? by SirDuke6
Yes. If you're ever really hot, run cold water on the inside of your wrists. Those veins are near the surface and lead directly to your heart. It'll cool you down so fast it's crazy.
SirDuke6 OP t1_j2ano69 wrote
Life pro tip for free? Thank you!
Scoobysmith44 t1_j2c9jv1 wrote
Just to piggy-back, basic first aid to quickly cool someone suffering from heat stress/exhaustion, use ice packs or cold, wet towels on the head, neck, groin, trunk and under armpits.
More info from OSHA
LandoChronus t1_j2cwcga wrote
Ok, I threw some icepacks in the back of their car, now what?
4tehlulzez t1_j2dp6m3 wrote
Now put them basically everywhere besides the feet like the commenter said.
Conflucius t1_j2e4zjs wrote
It said on, not in. Quit being weird and strap them to a tree like the rest of us.
borg286 t1_j2e6cvc wrote
Where is this trunk on a person? Honest question.
peanutbutterwife t1_j2eamoj wrote
The chest and abdomen. Everything that isn't your head and limbs.
bkydx t1_j2e6wvh wrote
Except its wrong.
jolloholoday t1_j2dggsx wrote
Just tried this, now my bed is soaked. Thanks for nothing.
bkydx t1_j2e6ucd wrote
Palms and feet and forehead all work better.
Glabrous skin is designed for heat transfer and only located in these 3 spots.
The skin on your wrist does not transfer cold as effectively beneath the skin surface.
Other suggested locations are Neck/arm pits because they are thinner cutaneous skin similar to wrist but the blood flow is direct to your brain.
De-oxyginated blood from your wrist goes to your heart and not your brain and there would be little cooling effect and less benefit then using any of the medically recommended cooling areas.
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