Submitted by Training_Warning_405 t3_zymqvi in explainlikeimfive
Submitted by Training_Warning_405 t3_zymqvi in explainlikeimfive
Not coffee? I mean you can also drink plain water and continue with your life. what’s the point of drinking coffee if you don’t like the taste?
Nope if you don't like coffee there is nothing you can add to it the only thing you can do is take away the coffee and replace it with something else.
don't drink it? I don't get what's so hard. If someone hands me a thing I don't want then I politely decline. No one is forcing you to drink it.
Sugar adds sweetness; cream adds fat. Only other things really would be to add some cayenne pepper or wasabi for spice, or some miso for umami.
Or you can go a different route and melt some chocolate into it, which already has a balance of sugar, fat and cocoa.
Caffeine hit or… that’s what’s being offered.
Since black coffee is sharp, bitter and acidic, there are plenty of things you can do to it to change its flavour profile.
Hey… add guacamole, and you’ve added fat and salt and a bit more acid. Might actually taste good.
Yeah, just drink tea or something? Ig you don't like the taste, don't drink it.
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What does adding fat do to the taste?
Yeah i need caffeine and all I've got available is coffee.
Plus, I never really learned about coffee. I wasn't allowed it until I was living on my own and you're expected to already know what you like
Takes away some of the bitterness and adds richness.
The tips here can apply to any cooking, including adjusting the flavour of a coffee:
Thank people and get rid of it later somehow seems to be the best way. If you hate it there is no reason to cover it up with candy and drink it.
Important to note that when you say bitter, that could be coffee, but it might be more specific. Strip mall parking lot businesses like Dunkin Donuts serve a very specific form of coffee. The taste is more a product of roasting coffee to the point that the outside burns black and the oils in the beans start leaking out to the surface, oxidizing and being lost. This bitterness is the burned nature of it, like charred wood, and the oils that make each coffee have a specific taste are lost from this process. This is on purpose. Burning it all for quality control.
People somewhat into coffee call this "dark roast" or "gross."
People really into coffee respect it and that it has an important place in history and coffee technology, as a storable land transportable version of coffee from another time before air freight. Cowboy coffee. Diner coffee. Coffee that can take the paint off your 1974 Chevelle.
It's horrible stuff really. But it's important to love it for what it is... and then pour it out when nobody is looking.
sterlingphoenix t1_j26pdlm wrote
I don't like coffee.
It doesn't matter what you add to it. I won't like it. I've -- accidentally -- had some of the insanely sugary coffee shop coffees and it's one of those "I could get used to this if I really, really forced myself" kind of things, but that's the best you can get. Same for coffee ice cream. Gross.
I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve, basically.