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Is_Rosen OP t1_j1v5sp4 wrote

Reply to comment by r3dl3g in ELI5 the EU and how it works by Is_Rosen

Oh, so it’s like the US in short. (I hope this doesn’t sound dumb, no one has ever sat down and told me about the EU)


r3dl3g t1_j1v69vs wrote

>Oh, so it’s like the US in short.

Again, not exactly. It has a lot of systems that are very similar to the US, but their central government is exceptionally weak and unable to actually function that well in a crisis, which is a huge difference in terms of why the US is more powerful than the EU despite the EU having a larger population and a larger economy.


Is_Rosen OP t1_j1v6olb wrote

Oh okay, I think I understand now. Thank you so much for being so patient with me.