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stephanepare t1_j6753ud wrote

For the police who patrol the street, each city has laws deciding on the qualifications. The only way things will change is if a municipal party senses that they will win or lose an election if they stand on the wrong side of police reform.

State troopers are hired by each individual state, the same principle applies but at another kind of election, probably governor. FBI, CIA, DEA, ICE are federal police, you'd need the democrats or republicans to think they'll lose an election if they don't reform police accountability laws.

Politicians often have many ways to distract the few people who actually vote in American elections, you'd have a better chance if people were more politically mindful, and if more people voted. Complaining for 4 years then voting automatically for the same party every election basically changes nothing, and that;s why they invented wedge politics.


ViskerRatio t1_j67bmsz wrote

The qualification criteria are normally decided upon by the law enforcement bureaucracy under the authority of the executive at the municipal/state/federal level. While legislators can theoretically pass laws that outline specific qualifications, they're unlikely to do so because the subject is complex enough to exceed their expertise.

You might also consider that the qualifications are likely the wrong place to address any problems you have. Individual law enforcement officers have no more say over the policies of law enforcement than the cashier at Walmart can help you if you have a problem with how Walmart does business. It's just that as the most visible representative, both the LEO and the cashier bear the brunt of your rage rather than the appropriate targets.


dont-YOLO-ragequit t1_j67n21x wrote

The problem with no 3 is coward cops who are already playing the stats to avoid responsibility.

There are already known cases of Cops purposely taking the long road to incidents to be second on scene and avoid paperwork. There are also cops who don't want to intervene as they are under investigation and there is the "blue Flu" where cops en mass use their PTOs to skip civil unrest days.

The worry here is too many bad cops trying to keep a clean file by never being there while the good ones burn out from always leading interventions.


Flair_Helper t1_j69powu wrote

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