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DrDarkeCNY t1_j6cwce2 wrote

And once the bourbon barrels can no longer be used for alcohol, they can age coffee in it!

I'm serious - Starbucks Reserve sells a coffee with beans aged in a bourbon barrel. It's actually really good...unfortunately it's also insanely expensive (I bought a half-pound for $45 as a treat!).


Antman013 t1_j6cxn6x wrote

Coffee, tea leaves, tobacco leaves, beer . . . other spirits.


DrDarkeCNY t1_j6cy1w2 wrote

Yes! I knew there were other foods and drinks that did it, but couldn't remember which offhand.

I kept thinking to myself, "...Bourbon Barrel-aged Chocolate, maybe...?"


Antman013 t1_j6czgup wrote

I think they would age the cocoa beans to infuse them, rather than the actual chocolate. Bourbons requirement for new barrels every time is just so damn wasteful, imo. But it is what it is.