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stevehockey1 t1_j6jyp0m wrote

Absolutely, USA is very behind in payment processing. The main reason why is due to large infrastructure, slow adoption, small adoption rate. Basically, because of how big some clients are and because those clients want reliability over security and convenience, they only update when they HAVE to. So basically, they gotta update to only meet PCI compliances.

It's so weird that paying at a restaurant is a 2-step process. You get the bill, give them the card, they auth it, then you add your tip and they clear the tip at EOD when they settle the transaction.

Over in Canada, we just add tip on the terminal / or write it on the receipt so that the server writes total + tip in the terminal and pay it as a whole. At EOD, the merchant settles the batch and done.


foxpaws42 t1_j6mfcbh wrote

Things are gradually changing in the States. The last two restaurants I visited, the wait staff took payment with a mobile payment terminal. Tap phone/watch, select tip, done. At least where I live, using a mobile payment terminal seems to be catching on.