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yet_another_pervert t1_j629ar2 wrote

What are you talking about? Feeling groggy due to bad or short duration sleeping in the morning does not mean you will sleep worse the next night.


Ratnix t1_j62ubkq wrote

For me, it is because i have to force myself to sleep on a schedule that isn't what my body wants to be on.

I'm a night owl. If i let my body set its own sleep sleep, I'd be going to sleep sometime between 6am-9am. If i ever get an extended period of time off from work and just sleep when I'm tired, instead of going to bed at a time that i can get a good night sleep in order to get up for work, that's the schedule I'll be on within a week.

I unfortunately have to leave for work at 5 am, so i simply can not let my body set its own sleep schedule. I have to go to bed at the same time 7 days a week. Just staying awake 2-3 extra hours, say on a Friday or Saturday night, means that when i need to go to bed in order to get up for work Monday morning, I'm simply not tired enough to sleep. And it'll take me 2-3 days to get back onto my forced sleep schedule, during which I'll be a zombie until I'm able actually get a good night's sleep in the schedule I'm forced to sleep.


Hot_Reflection2855 t1_j63m4k1 wrote

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome? Sounds like it. That’s what I have and it is nooo joke!!


Senpai_Embr t1_j66rudx wrote

I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! I'm sorry you know my pain


danklordgaston t1_j62i7jk wrote

Meanwhile the lack of sleep would mean I’m struggling to stay awake the next evening, finally giving in at 22:00 only for my body to wake me completely at 01:00 leaving my sleep routine fucked for weeks lol