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s0ftreset t1_j9yhnqq wrote

I'm not picky, so I would still eat but to be honest everything looks...pale and boring. I don't know what goes in charcuterie but I would suggest some more colors and contrast. Display is part of it


dirtypig796 OP t1_j9zgwej wrote

What if I told you I made this for me


s0ftreset t1_j9zh3po wrote

What if i told you that while you made it for you, you posted it on the internet for others to see and judge. Accept the criticism or don't post things online lol


dirtypig796 OP t1_j9zhbfd wrote

I don’t remember asking for criticism on my playing skills. I’m also not adding things I wouldn’t eat


s0ftreset t1_j9zhian wrote

That's the point. You don't have to ask when you publicly post. You just get it.