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JerkGurk t1_j9s21mt wrote

That big weird looking roasted carrot looks great, got a recipe?


CodyIsbill t1_j9s3qc9 wrote

Better watch out, your dog wants your large deep fried carrot


EshayAdlay420 t1_j9s4t9z wrote

You're taking the piss w that tiny smattering of gravy tho but looks bomb


honeydips87 t1_j9s60s9 wrote

Did you cook everything separately? Like you didn’t roast them all together? And, sir, we can see the carrots, what’s the egg roll about? 😂


BathtubFullOfTea t1_j9s68y3 wrote

Not enough gravy. Those potatoes look naked. And now I want a deep fried carrot.


Littlegreensled t1_j9s75p7 wrote

Is this the jamon dog? I like to think I don’t spend “that” much time scrolling on Reddit. Apparently, I do.


Global_ized t1_j9s7auu wrote

Those are some pretty sad potatoes, or pickles I can't tell


lizardjizz t1_j9s7b5v wrote

To be honest, I’d be giving those egg rolls the same look


goatmastermax t1_j9s89u4 wrote

Forget the eggroll what is that junk that looks like a half a block of grilled lettuce?


[deleted] t1_j9s8olz wrote

hey looks pretty good. I suppose if I eat the egg roll, as is tradition, then this tradition thing will be settled. In my tum.


JJK-85 t1_j9s9xel wrote

Carrots sure, potatoes alright, cabbage um I’m not sure that, egg roll- you have the right to remain silent


tenzinite t1_j9sasz5 wrote

Jack in the box egg rolls! SPOTTED


Winnie-thewoo t1_j9sdfmx wrote

Even carrots though.. that’s not how they were traditionally made by mum or nana. I think you’re supposed to boil them till the orange seeps out then put half sound of butter on them. Clearly not financially viable these days, though.


readallaboutitnow t1_j9sf1a7 wrote

Are you sure the potatoes are cooked? They still look raw…Roast looks yummy though.


Epic_Elite t1_j9sj15j wrote

Stewed carrots are the absolute best though!

When you make a ragu, or an all day pasta sauce, you stew carrots in the tomato sauce. I taught my kids that the carrots are actually the best part. I'll retrieve the carrots after a few hours and serve the carrots with lunch since they're kinda weird with pasta for dinner, but damn they're good and very filling!


honeydips87 t1_j9slkf3 wrote

I generally add them in a roast an hour before cooking time is over. In a bolognese, yes they are part of the mirepoix not exactly the same. The veggies are dry and haven’t been cooked into the juices of the roast


_StevenSeagull_ t1_j9so2lr wrote

What country is this traditional to? Because it sure ain't the UK!


MacNeal t1_j9sooy8 wrote

What, no Yorkshire pudding? A travesty I tell ya.


losprimera t1_j9spof2 wrote

looks really dry, though the assortment of colors and variety speaks of a nice touch of dietary balance.


mongcat t1_j9sqmvl wrote

Take it easy with the gravy!


Cannabis_Sir t1_j9srb4o wrote

'He grills the fucking lettuce?'

Don't let Gordon Ramsey see that ;)


Prospire t1_j9sthhy wrote

Is that lettuce fucking grilled? Lol


Jo_LaRoint t1_j9susq6 wrote

Did you just show those potatoes the roasting tin instead of actually putting them in and cooking them?


MurderDoneRight t1_j9sv87n wrote

Bruh that shady looking dog snuck an egg roll on that traditional roast beef plate!


MsGump t1_j9svire wrote

Hope you enjoyed your meal. 🤟 Ignore the trolls and enjoy your cooking fun! 👏


Joerijoy t1_j9svtv5 wrote

In Flanders we call that rosbief.


ImperialxWarlord t1_j9sxqnp wrote

Looks delicious but why you not answering our question about the egg rolls?


rayrayxl3 t1_j9sz1a9 wrote

4 of these things belong together 4 of these things are kind of the same But one of these things just doesn’t belong here Now it’s time to play our game…


Havoccity t1_j9t2lo9 wrote

If you don't have enough gravy to swim in, you don't have enough gravy.


bortj1 t1_j9t3poo wrote

Did you season this with your thoughts?


texmexdaysex t1_j9t4pd0 wrote

Guy expertly trolls us by including eggroll AND refusing to answer questions about it.

10/10 would be trolled again


lilsaddam t1_j9tb74n wrote

Potatoes look bland, the gravy/sauce was not sifted and/or stirred properly when flour was added, you can see the chunks. Could've saved it maybe if you strained it.

Having said that I'm not a food critic and would eat the shit out of it because I know how to own salt and pepper on potatoes and the chunks don't bother me.


SylvieJay t1_j9tb7um wrote

Dude, this guy is a long time poster, and seriously, most of their posts are excellent. Became famous as the Jamon guy, when they made a 1000 different and delicious looking plates featuring an artisanal ham, with that doggo in each and every pic looking judgemental 😁😆😂 these occasional faux pas adds spice 😅


_Bialy_PL t1_j9td0nd wrote

You ran out of gravy? The fuck is this supposed to be? A splash of gravy? Awful.


palegate t1_j9te1kn wrote

Did you just roast slices of cabbage / lettuce? First time seeing that for me.


sutrej t1_j9thnux wrote

Boy that meat is way overcooked


eckliptic t1_j9tmr9a wrote

Take over half the world for spices. Refuses to use any of them in their food


7deboutez7 t1_j9txdpi wrote

I now want egg roll with my beef roast all times, every times.


154bmag t1_j9u0deu wrote

“You gonna eat all of that?”


walkstwomoons2 t1_j9u0v7s wrote

This looks awesome. As my mom used to say, I like my beef on the hoof, which means I like it very very rare and bloody. I would still eat this in a minute.

Looks like you’ve got roasted cabbage there. I love cabbage.


thirteen-89 t1_j9u2gc7 wrote

OP might not know what an egg roll is as the rest of the world aside from the US call it spring roll (as that is the literal translation from Chinese) - what Americans call spring rolls are known as summer rolls or Vietnamese spring rolls.


HealHustleRepeat t1_j9u2t2s wrote

I’m a hardcore Asian lady, just give me the egg roll and you can have the rest. (The egg roll was literally the first thing I looked at LMAO)


alice_op t1_j9u3xli wrote

You're bang on, if someone tried to give us those wee potatoes instead of proper roast potatoes with our sunday Roast, we'd bloody riot.

I suppose they're OK as some sort of potato side, but they're not roast potatoes.


IStayInTheBigHouse t1_j9u3ztg wrote

Don’t get me wrong I like egg rolls as much as the next person but I thought they were Italian.


Crasz t1_j9ujxzq wrote

It might not be an egg roll, it might be an apple taquito that Costco sells. Kinda boring without the carmel sauce though.


tevs__ t1_j9upqr6 wrote

Charred baby gem is some blue riband michelin star level gastronomie - I've had it at a fancy place and it was delicious, would not attempt it at home. Its got to be crisp and not limp, charred and not burned, I know I'd mess it up.


Lisasteffi t1_j9uy6eq wrote

Call the vet! That can still be saved!


Vault77 t1_j9v3aws wrote

Zero seasoning potatoes cut a little too thick to be soft all the way through. Egg roll. Slightly overdone beef. Cabbage steak looks unseasoned and cooked somewhat dry, not much oil glisten. Gotta be a troll


Decaps86 t1_j9v439g wrote

Loving the cook on that beef. The did looks really interested too!


kettlepants t1_j9v4xj8 wrote

The lack of sufficient gravy

The unsliced charred cabbage

The spring roll

Fuck me


LemonPartyNZ t1_j9v6wz5 wrote

You’ve created a culinary insult to every ingredient and their ancestors. Did you actually like the people you served this to? Or are you Russian?


Sarsttan t1_j9v78zi wrote

That looks really good. Love the egg roll.


GuysMcFellas t1_j9vf73l wrote

I don't give a shit about what everyone's complaining about, this looks amazing. I'll take 4.


GroundbreakingGas605 t1_j9vfvi0 wrote

I missed the dog the first time as I kept looking at the egg rolls. Haha…the OP is the infamous cook with couple of dogs. This one is a missed, but his other posts were great.


Chill_Roller t1_j9vhh0t wrote

As someone from the land of roast beef. This looks awful.


TimmyT429 t1_j9vmc01 wrote

Since when did and egg roll become a traditional side with beef roast?


A-B-1-0 t1_j9wn4ph wrote

What is that egg roll looking thing?


Cynicole24 t1_j9wqx5v wrote

Hm its interesting how you roasted that cabbage as a wedge. I love cabbage but I absolutely hate shredding it.


TrampDrunk t1_j9xi0t2 wrote

“Spring rolls are NOT TRADITIONAL!”