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RoyBratty t1_j9m43ul wrote

What was the meat lookalike in the middle?


TuvixWillNotBeMissed t1_j9m8ipc wrote

I would prefer the onion sliced instead of diced but it still looks great.


Ianjames101 t1_j9ma9a4 wrote

Are eggs vegetarian? Or am I thinking Vegan?


Tenno_SKOOOOM t1_j9md43v wrote

A lot of people down voting don't realise this but for a lot of Indians / Asians, vegetarian means no egg. I've been one all my life and don't eat egg. It's a subtle nuance about vegetarianism that a lot of westerners aren't aware of.


ThisIsAnArgument t1_j9mfm4e wrote

Depends on the region. In a lot of countries eggs are part of vegetarian cuisine, but in South Asia (think India, Sri Lanka) they might be considered not vegetarian. Restaurants in India will often call themselves "pure veg" so as to underline that they definitely don't use eggs in their menu.

Vegans, of course, won't eat eggs as a rule.


unlikeyourhero t1_j9moorm wrote

Why is it looking at me?

I thought vegetarian food didn't have a face.


3DJayB t1_j9mu3p6 wrote

Vegetarians just don't eat the meat or flesh of living animals.


jim_deneke t1_j9mxy8v wrote

The onions imo should be sliced thin not diced. That way you can use just a fork or chopsticks to pick up all the food easily.


richman678 t1_j9mzob3 wrote

So….eggs are not vegetarian. They are meat. An animal died so you can eat those eggs. It doesn’t count. I don’t care what other regions think. Vegetarian = no meat. Vegan= nothing from an animal (such as milk since the cow didn’t die to get you that milk) now feel free to downvote away. It won’t matter and it won’t change the facts. Your just wrong en masse.


Eyfordsucks t1_j9n0v3s wrote

I thought eggs were animal products not vegetarian?


yogirlandyofamily t1_j9na73f wrote

I thought vegan is a short term for vegetarian. I recall there's vegan, lacto vegan (can eat milk), lacto ovo vegan (can eat milk & eggs), etc. Has the term vegan always been "more radical" vegetarian in the very first place or has the differencing between them only been around recently?


josidhe t1_j9nb6gh wrote

I think you got some wires crossed on the words as you picked them up over time. Vegan was never an abbreviated form of vegetarian, it was always a separate thing.

Pop on over to google and type in lacto. Check out the suggestions that drop down. You mixed 'em up.


gothicsin t1_j9nk58e wrote

Is that tripe ????? In the corner????


PanderII t1_j9noj5z wrote

I really don't get the appeal of this, just a bunch of incooked veggies in a broth, that's hardly cooking or am I missing something?


green_print_business t1_j9npg1p wrote

what! Is it an egg, and there seems to be some meat pieces in the middle?


invitrium t1_j9nrz4k wrote

If this was in Japan, I need the address.


rayesben OP t1_j9nt9pn wrote

To clarify, the meat looking pieces in the middle are oyster mushrooms, and a vegetarian diet does include eggs, or at least widely accepted


lunas2525 t1_j9nu8q5 wrote

Vegan was the pretentious socal offshoot that we are better than you version of vegetarians.

Vegans will only eat things that never had a face.

Vegetarians have degrees and tiers if what they can and cant.

Example some vegetarians might still include fish or animal products like milk eggs and cheese.

Veganism is the omission of all animal products, so very strict vegans definitely don’t eat meat, seafood, or eggs," And many don't eat honey or gelatin, either.


Timmyckcpt t1_j9nw12h wrote

You are eating baby chickens, you murderer...


Katters8811 t1_j9nxgf9 wrote

They’re saying THEY WOULD PREFER the onions thinly sliced, so that THEY CAN USE chopsticks or a fork... geez. Doesn’t matter if a spoon exists there; they were simply stating their preference ffs.

I agree, I’d rather have them thinly sliced for the textural consistency and ability to use chopsticks or a fork.


Katters8811 t1_j9nxrg6 wrote

How would they get fertilized when the hens have zero access to roosters? No males=no sperm=no fertilization.

Did you also know that human women “lay eggs” absent fertilization? It’s called a period. Not sure I’ve ever seen someone so sure while being so wrong.


Lilypadx5 t1_j9nzwa0 wrote

Is that from Slurp in Copenhagen?


Kanyewesther t1_j9o2xma wrote

The comments on this are entertaining. I’m an egg eating vegetarian ramen lover and I think this looks delicious. Great job.


RanCestor t1_j9o4qvg wrote

Finally a vegetarian food that has a face!


Shambbbles t1_j9o5lce wrote

Replace the raw diced onions for some sweetcorn and you nailed it


Daeneryspls t1_j9o6l7a wrote

Was that as good as it looks? Do you happen to have the recipe or the restaurant it was from? I would love to try to cook this for my vegetarian friend


mr2k08 t1_j9od6fz wrote

Try adding some meat in there


AUWarEagle82 t1_j9opz6f wrote

How is anything "vegetarian" if there is an egg in it? If that's the case, I had a "vegetarian" steak last weekend.


Cu_fola t1_j9oxezo wrote

I mean I’m not vegan, but I make it a point not to get offended when someone is hardcore about something they see as a life or death ethical violation.

And It is literally life or death.

I’m ok with eating eggs as a concept. But the way we acquire them is unbelievably cruel and wasteful. There’s no way to avoid it in our current system without simply not eating eggs.

Even happy backyard chickens are mostly purchased as babies from the same industrial chicken producers that use these methods. And possibly most people just replace their laying hens by buying more chicks, not by breeding their own hens and dealing with the male chicks humanely.

So every time I eat an egg, I am funding this abhorrent system one way or another. I can’t pretend that I’m not.

my solution has been to cut down my animal-based food by 75%.

I suspect we’ll never get to a point where everyone in the world is vegetarian or vegan. It looks very unlikely to me.

But If everyone who has a choice accepts the gravity of their food choices and chooses to change their diet composition up, we can exert pressure and radically change the structure of our ag system to stop being such a disaster.


Rance_Mulliniks t1_j9p6qav wrote

Broccolini. I hadn't thought of that. Also is that Thyme?


yukinakayama t1_j9p7erx wrote

Interesting, I have never seen red onion on a ramen before, especially not here in Japan.


tgtcph t1_j9pchme wrote

this is the vegetarian ramen from Slurp in Copenhagen! Was working there as a chef and makes me really happy to see this being shared here. Best place to get ramen if you ever visit Copenhagen, might come off as a bit pricy, but trust me worth every damn penny.


SkylianSkimbape t1_j9pdd3t wrote

Veganism is about not using any animal products or contributing to any industry that uses animals. Mainly because of ethical and/or ecological reasons.

Vegetarianism is about diet (mostly due to religious or health reasons) and is mainly concerned with not consuming animals themselves.

Vegetarians may eat honey and dairy, may wear leather (religious Hindus would consider leather unclean as it involves killing) but vegans would not touch any of the above as it all involves living animals in one way or another.


ihaveanideer t1_j9pjqm1 wrote

Commercial wool does cause hurt to the animal. You can google photos of sheep who have been carelessly sheared. Similarly for eggs - if you have a pet chicken that’s laying eggs, eating them won’t cause harm. But the commercialization of eggs causes mass harm via exploitation.


ekeet t1_j9pm11b wrote

Vegans just want to minimize unnecessary suffering. What’s insane about that? I would argue it’s more insane to be vegetarian. You give up food you like but still contribute to the suffering - the worst of both worlds.


panos00700 t1_j9ppu74 wrote

Ramen with red onion? Bruh....
Looks amazing otherwise


Rance_Mulliniks t1_j9pr02u wrote

My point was that you have to be a special kind of person to be a vegan. It's not easy.

A sane vegan wouldn't suggest that being a vegetarian is pointless though. That is like saying "Why take public transit rather than drive your own vehicle? You are still polluting." Being a vegetarian definitely reduces suffering and environmental impact of our food sources. Thanks for proving my point. Vegans wonder why they are ridiculed.


Maxacus t1_j9pwuuy wrote

I recommend you boil bamboo sprouts (remove funky odor if from can) and marinate them in soy/mirin overnight. They are a fantastic addition.


richman678 t1_j9q3iv3 wrote

Well the same reason turtles lay like 30 eggs. The likelihood of the hatchlings making it to the ocean and living their life out is low. It’s called evolution. Over thousands of years turtles bodies taught themselves to produce more. Same with chickens as in the wild chickens are very popular amongst predators


WalrusByte t1_j9q54q2 wrote

I've never done this myself, but I heard you can shine a flashlight through the egg to see if there's an embryo inside. Results depends on how early or late into the growing process it is. The easiest thing to do is just keep the roosters and the hens separated so you know they're all unfertilized.


brycdog t1_j9q6c85 wrote

I’ve always found eggs kinda weird for vegetarians to eat, aren’t chicken embryos(?) basically chicken?


RealMystro t1_j9q8r7p wrote

Genuine question, is egg really included in a vegetarian meal? Follow up questions, how often do restaurants in your city includ egg in a vegetarian meal?


DigitalMarketer33 t1_j9rf5at wrote

Looks great and really delicious!😋

Do you mind sharing the recipe?