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XAJM OP t1_ja4askt wrote

Hello folks. 1 pound of Grounded Chicken meat 1 Onion 5 Garlic gloves 1 cup of ground bread (or flour) 80gr of minced Parsley Salt and Pepper to taste 250gr of cheese, whichever u like Enough bacon lines to cover the roll

Mix everything except the cheese and bacon with the ground chicken until you get a dough like consistency.

Make it into a flat rectangle, 2 cm thick is more than enough, just enough to roll it without it tearing open.

Cook some bacon.

From the bottom of ypur table to the top, like a Sandwich ill describe the order for placing.

-Cheese which will end up being the center of the roll -Cooked bacon covering the whole rectangle -The chicken bed already seasoned -Raw Bacon -Aluminium paper, you will use it to actually make it into a Roll, similar to how subways are rolled.

Once assembled, roll from the bottom of the aluminium paper to the top, so you make ot into a tube, seal with aluminium and put the side with the raw bacon on the top.

Put into an oven tray, set the oven to 200c and put it inside for 30mins.

After 30 minutes, take it out so you can Carefeully remove the aluminium, so the now cooked bacon on top gets the desired colour.

Leave it open in the oven 20mins at 150c.


Watch out with the oven, every oven its an universe of its own.


WorthPlease t1_ja4pzmh wrote

You can't post stuff like this without a cross section....


Cindexxx t1_ja85ywk wrote

Just ground. When you're talking about breaking something down like meat it's never "grounded". Grounded in reference to a child is correct though.